[GUIDE] How-To Gif Signature

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ArtRENAMED, Aug 18, 2015.

  1. Tada! 
  2. Eh, I'm not concerned about the comments. Would rather the thread not get locked though. Could be useful information for some.
  3. :lol: nice

  4. Art bb, i think u should make me one?
  5. Remember to put *"fit" behind "img" in the brackets, if you want it to fill out the area you have the gif.

    Like so:

    Edit: Weird, it doesn't work on this one. :|
  6. If you'd like one, can you pm me any example gif links for what you like or a particular gif you'd like me to use? Makes the process a lot faster for me. 
  7. Informative!
  8. I love this gif signature. I love this guide too. It Will help alot of people :D

  9. The text box doesn't show up in any of them for me
  10. Guess whose going for blue now? ?
    Im more of a fan tbh.
  11. It isn't on the left side of your screen?
  12. It's there it's just.... Blank I refreshed the page nothing happened

    Imgur doesn't let me use BB coding
  13. What kind of phone are you using?
  14. I'm on 4G (I believe). Try typing in Gif Editor in your phone's web engine. It'll bring up other options and one will likely work out for you.
  15. [​IMG]" style="max-width: 100%;" />
  17. Change the [*img] to [*imgfit] and take out the asterisks that I just inserted for demonstration.