Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Nov 10, 2014.

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  1. growing fast to all 

  2. No thank u

  3. Swiper on swiping


    Dora failed
  4. That's amazing
  5. Maybe double payouts on parties to help out too ? ️ thank you!
  6. I would suggest if pimd next time wanna having such promo of 50% discount, pls do some good deeds, to tell ppl in advance when would b having such offer, fair to everyone especially those upgraded juz an hour before ur promo!
  7. Follow me....
  8. I dropped a few tril worth of tutors two weeks ago to LCBC and you guys want to know how I feel about the usual handicap given to others?Screw you ATA is how I feel
  11. Make an inflation day where everything is $100000 for 1hour
  12. Checking out my post Xp
  13. Thank you PIMD for this ? But some day it will end?
  14. Another One Ur Sleave ATA ... what is it gonna be this Time just T7 or T8 ?? Or Something more creative (;
  15. I'm bored with this…

    too boring…

    Increase pvp plunder :eek: lol
  16. I need to ug more :lol:
  17. I want 2x or 3x or whatever X pvp payout plunder lol.
  18. I'm going to be pissed if they release t7 a week after the promo?
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