Group Chat Closed Beta Test [Invite Only]!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Jan 23, 2019.

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  1. the beta testing is over y’all
  2. DOES THIS SPARK HAPPINESS?!!! “nope” -Marceline
  3. Why maaaaarcie why didn't i get selected for this beta
  4.  only chat pimd needs now is pub chat seems everybody’s is in it lol
  5. And most of them are just wanting “fun” as they like to call it to avoid getting silenced
  7. Should make this game only play if you are looking for dirty things lol
  8. Nice bros
  9. Btw I think a admin group chat should be added before a ffa group chat lol,it’s hard work swapping to a different chat app 2 talk about stuff going on in pimd
  10. Why can’t we trade Avis?
  11. bc it's a terrible idea
  13. I passed the Kingdoms of Heckfire beta testing last year and it was fun discussing with other people! Hoping for this one too. :)
  14. It's really not a terrible idea though. There are people who want old avis thatll never come back. Or new avis that they will never be able to get because of their luck or if they have no ec. Not everyone wants to spend money on this game or waste their time with these offers that dont always reward you
  15. Cool I wanna help
  16. Sounds like it should be me... But it's not hmm ?
  17. There should be monthly poll voting on ideas (ways to improve the game, hunt ideas, etc) ??
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