EVENT Groovy New Year!

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATA-Virgo, Dec 24, 2021.

  1. Yo ATA, I'm just gonna come right out with this one.

    If you guys are intending on taking out the LB avatars in favour of stat items, we are not into it.

    Don't make this a habit.
    Hag, mossbosseller, Jordy and 3 others like this.
  2. It’s only because its a 7 day hunt. that’s normal & how they’ve always done it. don’t worry lol
    Adorabelle and Intoxication like this.
  3. This is where I'm at. I love the neon drenched/holographic/futuristic vibe of the NYE hunts and they did not deliver on this one. I was looking forward to it so much 😭😭😭
  4. I've been on this dumb app for almost 3 years and they've never skipped LB avatars for a 7 day hunt. They usually skip one of the side quest avatars, but not LB.
    iSelestya_HeartsU, Lark and Kaibyo like this.
  5. ive been on here for 8. they either skip leader board or side quest. one or the other. leaderboard avis arent there? then we’re getting side quest avis.
    Intoxication likes this.
  6. I see that, and I agreed that I did think this hunt was weird for a new year hunt and some things could've been done better.
    Although some of the comments are constructive (which is great!), a lot of other ones are not.

    You can not like it. That's totally fine. But the many users who called these avis "queered out" or "just straight shit" isn't constructive and wouldn't get any artist to listen to you. It's just mean 👁

    I hope they are able to make a better executed hunt that more users will enjoy. And I appreciate that your comment was more constructive 👍
    Guy, HaBaek and Intoxication like this.
  7. ava rating
    0.5 out of 10 😂😂
    RightScale and Kaibyo like this.
  8. Again, it doesn’t matter if I’m a mod or not. Regardless of that I have my own opinion.

    Some things can’t be done the way players want, there are many factors who play part. They can’t just do whatever they want to do. Some things could’ve been done better for this time of the year specifically, but there’s no reason for players to get mad and disrespectful about it.

    I’m not trying to white knight anyone, as an artist I know how it feels to have my work disrespected and criticised negatively. I’m not talking about you specifically, but those who made comments like Delight stated above. It’s just mean and as an artist, I won’t ever want to listen to that or take in consideration. Criticism can be expressed better in order for it to make a positive change :)
    Rosalia, -Gon-, Delight and 1 other person like this.
  9. I take my words back 🌸🌸 this Hunt's niceeeee ♥♡ I love groovy girl 💛💛💛💛 ty for making it attainable 🌸
    Delight and Intoxication like this.
  10. I see a lot of people complaining about the hunt. I actually am warming up to the avatars and I like this dorm room. Don’t care for the 499, but one less thing to collect in my dorm which saves me some bentos and chibis. 🤷🏻‍♀️
    Delight and Intoxication like this.
  11. So as consumers you’d rather it only be acceptable for us to accept quantity over quality, rather than quality over quantity? I’m sure the vast majority of players would greatly accept grandeur at a reasonable pace than trash on trash every week. We have a right to negatively critique someone’s work, but that doesn’t mean we don’t negate, understand, or respect it. We just want something better, and we’re not getting that and it’s disappointing.
    Kaibyo, Jordy and RightScale like this.
  12. Not a fan of the hunt but also happy that they didnt make the same type of neon avatars they have made the past two years. Would have felt more disappointed if they had repeated that theme yet another year.
    Intoxication, RightScale and Delight like this.
  13. Although true, the players are the ones who will pay for art in the end. And for the amount ata charges (at least 1k dollars to get to t100 and an ungodly amount to t10), it’s not unreasonable for people to expect quality work. Ignoring the playerbase absolutely does not help them achieve that. But regardless, I have to admit that the stat items are nice and the fact that all of the avis are mostly achievable for free is nice of ata to do. Hopefully, they’ll listen to players more often in the future to prevent this awful blunder from happening again.
    RightScale likes this.
  14. I mean I think you're imagining things but go off honey
  15. Then where do you suppose the other avis in the main post will be? the only black female avi i mean. a free consolation prize for this crap hunt you think? lol no we’re getting a side quest half way through the hunt. its not rocket science.
  16. I'm not arguing that there will be another side quest lmao. You're entirely missing my point so maybe gain some reading comprehension before responding 😘
  17. Lmao you know exactly what you were doing when you responded. you’re full of it.
  18. Not the mods fighting for ATA’s lives in the thread.

    Avis are trash, period. Don’t give us that “try coming up with new avi every hunt”. That’s LITERALLY the designer’s job. Can’t handle the job scope? Then this game isn’t for you.

    I’m an artist, music wise. If someone tells me my music is trash, it’s trash. I’ll try again, be better. Not come up with shitty excuses.
    Jynx, RightScale, -Wisteria- and 7 others like this.
  19. A kingly response
    RightScale and Kaibyo like this.
  20. The criticism’s are valid. These Avis are terrible. They’ve dropped the ball countless times throughout the year and beyond. Not every hunt needs to be an original idea, or cute. ATA has a community that they don’t listen to.

    They make a bucket load of money yet they pour it into making terrible hunts.

    They back themselves into their own corner when they decided to do hunts every 1-2 weeks. That’s not really our problem.
    Jynx, RightScale, Heliopolis and 2 others like this.