great i was silenced

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *jt3thedopness (01), Sep 19, 2011.

  1. There is no bright side
  2. There IS ALWAYS a bright side  tomorow u will be unsilenced  thats the bright side 
  3. woo what if it was his third silence?  he has to wait at least 2 weeks to be unsilenced 
  4. thanks captian positive
  5.  ur bringing negativity too the thread  lolz
  6. Wow silence is boring
  7. Oh, i'm sorry  am i boring u ??  lolz
  8. Ehh sorta. jk nah ur cool
  9. Yoo is it me or does often dissapear
  10. Thanks  ur awesome  How many times hav u been silenced ??
  11. Just stay on forums, at least you got those 
  12. Lol yeah ive been silecened once or twice
  13. we coulda made paqes wehn we were silenced Mahn i missed out on alot haha :)