I nominate Cubes as my champion while I get these Easter Eggs to you guys. Go forth and work it Cubes. I'm expecting this quality or higher:
But... but... cool eggs... do they count for nothing? Can I not win your love through fun gifs and witty retorts?
?PIMD! You locked my buddy PIMD_community in a cage! Like ?sorry we don't give you that much attention but come on! We want our cat crazy Community back ?!!! and pimd you have won my heart but you're missing cute puppies.
Wait a second, aren't we somewhat bringing this thread off topic? So wouldn't that mean we are breaking a rule?
True enough. This is an aside while I get you guys some eggs for your showcase. Go start a new thread and link it back here
pimd we need bacon too mmmkays! and I'll make a thread for me vs Cubes in drawing so you can judge it
️btw, you're grounded for 5 mins for being mean to pimd_community. To the dungeon you go! On a more on topic subject; Do you guys plan on doing the forum hunt again for another hunt someday?
I just didn't want you to see what I was suggesting. Although, your record of my silenced suggest against it.