Graduation Time

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Apr 1, 2015.

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  1. ??
  2. Well i hope you burn in hell you annoying piece of crap
  3. I was actually kinda excited ):
  4. I bet you dream of me so hush up akward ass
  5. Guys it says April fools at the bottom, it's a joke
  6. I don't like jb either but lol that was harsh
  7. Thx for the insight babe
  8. you got mental health issues bruh  shut the ___ up
  9. Doesn't work
  10. You got me there!
  11. No offence but every one know false information may lead to forum ban ? as per rules and code of conduct

    I wonder if tou/rules applicable for all or not? as but I request mod to forum ban Pimd_Comunity YOLO
  12. 2/2 f whitedev 
  13. SUPPORT!
  16. im so maganda

  17. It says "spreading false information about the game" the thread isnt really spreading false info about Pimd. "With intent to start conflict" I don't think a thinking grape was starting to start a conflict because if the did all they have to do is like remove the fight button and Boom ;) the deceiving part is true but YOLO Apirl Fools

  19. My spelling be horrible
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