EVENT Gotta Go Back In Time

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Jul 21, 2020.

  1. True that could be it
  2. She's from T100 leaderboard in hunt that have Black Magic furni set😊💜
    Muschi and G00DNESS like this.
  3. I'm mixed on the new avatar box set up. I like the idea of being able to get side story 3 avatars by random chance. I am not a fan that I can exit a hunt with no girl avatars.

    This is turning into luck hunts again. Just in a more confined manner. However, it's almost worse because the amount of effort, drop amount, and money per avatar box makes this feel like worse odds. And far more disappointing. Luck hunts at least guaranteed the lowest tier avatars usually.

    This may be about the 80s. But 2015 is back to say that this type of model of hunt is HATED. It's a simple fix of letting us pick the avatar we want out of the box. Otherwise, it's just majorly disappointing hunt after hunt. I have been able to usually get the regular avatars out of each hunt still. But that is slowly going to be less and less now.

    I don't want better odds at late hunt avatars. I already accept its not happening. I want a choice of an avatar I'll use. The only reason I play PIMD is for avatars (and friends xD)
    xoMoni, Maru, bloodhoney and 15 others like this.
  4. Since I'm bitter atm, I'll make one positive to my critique. I appreciate that Avatar guide is something I can do on my own now 😂 (Unintended positive?? But please #NoLuckHunts)
    Kailanie and Muschi like this.
  5. As a gal who lives and breathes the 80s, I’d like to thank ATA. Some of this is shabby but for the most part I am grateful. Apologies if anyone is put off by my old soul, I’m just geeked. :)


    The higher the hair the closer to heaven!
    Alicia and Libra like this.
  6. Good thing the 80s style was very much about futuristic ideas. ;) This hunt does provide synthwave attributes.
    Phobia and Muschi like this.
  7. Oh you cuteee
    Silverstein likes this.
  8. Kinda have to agree, they could’ve done better…
    -Wisteria- and G00DNESS like this.
  9. Not a single avatar wearing Air Mags

    Jellies, tatertot, Lmao and 4 others like this.
  10. I’m giving away some blue rings if anyone needs! Feel free to wall me.
    Muschi likes this.
  11. Love the harajuku Avis too bad they broken rn
    Bratsturbation likes this.
  12. That would have been fire tbh
    Voseph likes this.
  13. What does heterosexual look like 🥴 I didn’t know you could tell someones sexuality based on their appearance 🤔
    -bae, Anjo, Miresa and 13 others like this.
  14. Sure wish I could wear the avis I bought 😅
  15. Can we stop with shard avis? We just had shard avis 2 hunts ago we don't need more.
    Volkor, graco, Noon and 5 others like this.
  16. Needed a break, great time to take hunt looks like it won't be missed at all.
    graco likes this.
  17. Uh why does it always have to be so over the top... sometimes less is more.
  18. Did the avatars tell you they’re not-heterosexual or are you just projecting stereotypes now? 👀
    Alissic and Muschi like this.
  19. The 80s was all about over-the-top!
    Concern, Atlas, Silverstein and 3 others like this.
  20. One thing I enjoy doing is on the last day/around the last day of the hunt, I return to these ata threads and find all the negative comments and I check what their drop counts were 🌚 y’all be saying you’ll pass on a hunt but them showcases don’t back up your point so wyd
    Sansa, Myra, Bipolar and 11 others like this.