I posted one in cc "my pet rock needs a imaginary friend she's lonely And I need medical advice for my ben-toe it's growing and it's asking for my underwear and socks" had people dying International Pancake Day Was a lot of fun thanks ata
International pancake day was fun :lol: Although I didn't get to experience it cuz I bought the EmmaStone as soon as I saw it :cry:
I think u owe __-Bravo-__ a pimd crate. Y'all totally ripped off his Thirsty Times thread. Fun though, it always was. Yay
Dont let this distract you from the fact that ATA doesnt care about the perverts on here and is well aware of the ages and words they frequently use.
Ouch! Go jopo! End human trafficing!! Games such as this can put kids in bad situations. Be vigilant, report suspicious behavior to law enforcement & underage players to ata. They will ban them, I've turned many in myself. Keep your eyes open for these kids & report them immediatly. Report people looking for rp with underage kids to law enforcement & ata. Keep the kids outta here, k guys?