Goodbye Cruel World

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by tash777, Jul 21, 2012.

  1. Well that's nice
  2. Wow! This story is SOOO sad and awesome! Your a great author Tash! I admire your skills, Master! m(_ _)m
  3. Indeed, dear Percy.

    Thanks! I will hopefully get a new story up soon. So expect a wall post! 
  4. @Tash Denied. Already blocked you :p. Check mate.
  5. Wow. You blocked me so you are unable to receive an easily deletable wall post that I wasn't even going to grace you with? So childish... How old are you again Percy? You don't have to answer if you do not wish to.
  6. 18. And yes, I did, because I hate you THAT much. And it wasn't worth the risk.
  7. You hate her that much your letting yourself get silenced over it?.-.
  8. Uh huh... You seem to have the maturity of someone much younger... Such as someone of my age.

    13. Check and mate. 

    Such a shame, Percy dear. I was going to send you a gift to express my thanks for reading this story...
  9. Meh..... Don't need it, thanks for the thought though. goodbye!
  10. Before I leave, did you just say you were 13? Explains a lot but Didn't the agreement say 17 only or something like that anyway? :p
  11. Goodbye PercyBoo. I'm gonna miss this thread :')
  12. Actually, it's recommended for 17 . I once met an 8 year-old on here .-.
  13. Then he lied. When you download or update the app it asked you to confirm you are 17 .... It's not a suggestion.....
  14. Laurel-Ann?
    And guys it's against the ToU to say your age. Just pointing out, as I don't want this thread to get locked.D:
  15. I don't mind if this thread gets locked. It has served it's purpose; I have completed my story. The only thing keeping it on the first page is PercyBoo.

    I have met several young children on here. They are not lying about their age. It's easy enough to press a few buttons.
  16. Speaking of which, tash, do you even know how to play chess? Much less what checkmate means?
  17. Yes, I am aware of the rules of chess. However, I do not believe you used the phrase 'Check Mate' very well, as I did not intend to post on your wall anyway, rendering you blocking me absolutely pointless.
  18. Sure you do..... And I don't really care how pointless you think it is. It's not getting un-done.
  19. Oki doki. 420th post on the 42nd page! ^.^