Goodbye Cruel World

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by tash777, Jul 21, 2012.

  1. Exactly, maybe I will start posting on your story see how you like it.. And be, well, what you call 'being honest' on it. Just get off tash's story. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it atall. 
  2. Agreed with pixie and tash
  3. How does one love someone when he is unable to love himself...
  4. Payback dear Watson. Payback. Don't touch my wall ever agian.
  5. again* Also, sherlock never actually said the line "Elementary, my dear Watson".
  6. Percyous, get off. Concentrate on writing your own story not criticising someone else's. Goodbye
  7. Toushay tash (don't correct me)

    And pixie, what the heck are you talking about?
  8. Touché* I will do what I want Percy dear. After all, this is my thread 
  9. , I havn't been talking about it in my other posts have i?
  10. Tash that was absolutely great!!!BRAVO!
  11. Thanks Jess. 
  12. That's means touch. I took fencing. I read the Highwayman in 7th grade.

    Phantom. Angel of Music.
  13. So did I. (i read it before thst too, dont remember where though)I'm still trying to figure out when I trashed tash's story and such.
  14. When you first commented
  15. If I could "like" posts, I would like the one above.

    Though Percy dear I recall you enjoying my story up until a certain point where you mysteriously started to dislike it and asked me to stop telling you when I have updated, even though you originally requested that I do so...
  16. Much agreed Tash.
  17. And I remember a time when FF had good stories. Guess we're both a coupla old-timers.
  18. Well this is a good story, your just to stupid to see it
  19. Tashy!!!u got me reading from pg1 again
    As for the HATERS....u aint welcomed on this thread!