Golden Age Glamour

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Feb 15, 2019.

  1. Can we please have a non potd/ppotd hunt? It’s frustrating to search for ppotd when so few clubs help, but numerous clubs will run it once it’s found.
    Adding to that....
    It is even more frustrating when the potd is a party like Fake Art or Counter.

  2. What bb said...

    And let's have all parties drop!!! this potd/ppotd has been going on for so long it's old af. It's really boring to hit the same crap potd over and over oh next day change over of another crappy party to hit over and over again. Yay so fun.

    Doesnt matter what the new hunt is. What new crap it drops and what the new avis look like. If it's boring af to hit the same crap over and over ....
  3. Ok so basically we don’t get to choose whether we get female or male?..
    Silverstein likes this.
  4. Technically yeah but also no
  5. Want the bold bombshell
  6. It's the other way around. I got rings from regular and it shows mirrors in timer
  7. I am getting rings from regular boxes ,, please correct this
  8. I am getting rings from regular boxes ,, please correct this
  9. just collect the exact amounts for the female avis and you’ll be fine
  10. This is ridiculous, way to make more overpriced trash :,( 100+ boxes just to get one avatar is ridiculous.
  11. Ikr wtf
  12. This game is crap but I have never complained before. Now I feel like I have to. You are becoming more p2p then ever. Is your business failing that much that you want to take money away from you players. This game was more fun before now to get a simple avi you make it so much money. It show what you think of us and the sad part is that some are going to pay your prices.
    Silverstein likes this.
  13. Nope nope and nope... it’s say you have to get all the avatars before you can get the last ones... I ONLY WANTED THE GOD DAMN BLONDE ONE fk that
    Silverstein likes this.
  15. Where's the mirror? So they're not in lite boxes? Just on regular boxes which needs to open by ec?
  16. Oh nvm I got confused by the picture
  17. So do I have to get the first female Avi before I can get the second male Avi?
  18. Yup and the timer boxes