Discussion in 'Clubs' started by -Rinjani-, Oct 3, 2021.

  1. Think silver would be helpful for some especially in ec clubs
  2. I like this would be well worth it to be in pimd where you have 25 gold passes and 15 silver passes
  3. Then pimd can expand on how many people you are allowed to have in a club go from 100 to say 125 to 150 members
  4. A Gold Pass question:
    I bought a GP with my very own ec!: because, while I cared about my friend and wanted to help out, they were much more big a social club and hadn’t opened a lot of parties I wanted to hit.

    Recently, there was a kerfuffle, and my friend , who was the Prez while I was an exec, left. I left with her and am being told they that GP I bought, again with my own ec’s, stays with the club and not with me. Is this true? Can anything be done? If not, can this be addressed in the BBC future? Maybe your GP travels with you in the same way EC’s and DN’s do?
    QueenOfMystics likes this.
  5. that would create a finite number of passes so ATA will never do that.
    running a club isn't easy, and isn't encouraged for new players who aren't expetienced, such as your friend. regardless of the kerfuffle, I would know to leave somebody else that I trust in the presidential spot while I leave until everything is resolved. there's no real need to change this feature of the game, other than making it more convenient for the player (as if that'll ever happen).
  6. I do agree with more than 15gps part, I highly doubt that if ATA will do exactly that. Other than that, having gold and silver passes does sound favorable.
  7. I like the idea, but knowing ata they will let you buy a 10ec pass that will last a few hours or at most a day.