EVENT Going for Green

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Queens, Feb 25, 2020.

  2. "Srsly, guys. We literally exist for you. We take that seriously 😉 But to keep existing, we're going to have to keep making the right decisions. "

    Well clearly making the right choices... For you. While you guys make money new players struggle to even get 6k hunt drops. You expect us to waste money all the time for these hunts. Ive seen alot of people just give up and leave the game because our voices aren't being heard. If you care for us- care for our money shall i say. Give us fair drops that dont constantly require us to empty our pockets because people are being too selfish. 😐 The hunts alright, in the terms of avis, but very useless seeing as new players cant even get them. :/
    -bae, Rafe, Alan and 23 others like this.
  3. Potd only gives like, 100 some drops? If you get your hands on a cat or a kini.. go to a cat/kini club. Kinis give 250 max drops and cats are 500. Even if you DONT get them often, you can use bentos (and misc as payment in some places)

    16k drops is only 32 cat parties at max drops or 64 kini parties at max drops.

    ATA reserves the right to change anything about the game whenever they want, without notice. Quit complaining or quit the game.
  4. Say it louder for the admins in the back.
    -bae, Rafe, IridescentRose and 10 others like this.
  5. PREACH. ATA has given a stupid excuse for those drops
    -bae, Rafe, Alan and 14 others like this.
  6. Just stop being money hungry, we were all doing fine before, y’all just want more money from us. Before when avis were actually obtainable by the everyday person, it made us reach a goal, now knowing theres no way in hell we can reach that without giving YOU our money, nah, I refuse to partake in any future hunt. This has become the new EA.
    -bae, Alan, Dhiwatah and 15 others like this.
  7. The entire reason why I started playing this game was the idea of getting the avatars... at first I was excited to collect as many as possible. But then I quickly learned just how laughable a goal that is. Not only are there hundreds of avatars I can not and will not ever have, but the game is intentionally designed to reward the strongest, the most obsessive, and course the ones who can spend the most time and money.

    Fine. I can live with that. But in the year since I started, I’ve experienced a massive drop in what I can actually accomplish in a hunt, as the requirements for story drops are altered and increased. Now I can’t even get the secondary storyline avatars most of the time. So if the -main- story avatars are placed out of reach of the casual players, as they were last hunt and seem to be again this hunt, that pretty much kills my main motivation for playing.

    It also kills my motivation to spend money on a game like this. Once, a few bucks meant something in value and entertainment received. Now it feels like a drop in the bucket.

    I can accept that I’ll never be a whale and able to get all the exclusive goodies or hit the leaderboards, but it would be really nice if us casuals didn’t feel like such a neglected segment of the population.

    Tl;dr: make main story avatars easier to obtain instead of requiring so many drops, please.
    SolarisLuxorium, -bae, Woes and 24 others like this.
  8. Lol fr. How is 16k drops for main story avas even reasonable?
    -bae, Alan, Pahuj and 14 others like this.

  9. I don't expect a response back, but I do hope everyone at admin team takes a quick read. I took a piece of the quote here because this did mean a lot to me. I wanted to say thank you for the recognition :) and taking the time to add to my concerns and debunk anything that isn't true particularly related to timer boxes. Everytime I write to forums, I try to be as professional and respectful as possible (although not without emotion of course 😁). I feel like this game has really great developers that take the time for open discussion. I think that is evident by breaking down my very very long winded post I made. Obviously, I won't agree with everything, but I wanted to take the time to note that you wrote back and express the appreciation for it

    As far as the mythic pass, the timers, and spinners, I think they play a backseat to the current issue at hand, so I'm not going to put anymore focus into it on this thread anyways. I just want to put my full force into the core issue I see. I also think it's important for players to draw there own conclusions on these issues that Marcie kindly wrote out.

    What really matters to me deep down is the drops for avatars. I may fuss a lot, and my squeaky wheel personality is probably a nuisance at times. I promise all I ever try to achieve is whatever my sense of justice is for the community. I just want my friends and the hardworking people of PIMD to still have a game they want to invest time into. I feel like time and time again that is obtaining avatars.

    One reason I love obtaining avatars is because it's a stamp in time. I know when I got a certain avatar that something happened. When my RS gives me shards, it's never forgotten. Some of my avatars even hold bad memories and bad times. It will definitely really suck to lose that part of the gameplay. It feels like whole hunts just go away forever and become forgotten when I don't have a set of avatars to remember it by. I can't foresee the longevity of the game if a majority of the players lose one of the most favorited and important aspects.

    I feel like there can be a happy medium for the avatars. I think 16k is excessive and 6k may be to small and not always challenging for a bigger player. I think a happy medium can exist somewhere inbetween. The other options could be increasing the POTD drops for side and main stories too. Even an increase to 150 from 126 could do wonders. I know many people aren't big spenders for every single hunt. However, a lot of my friends spend a ton during really good events and holidays. I think that counts for something hopefully xx

    My final conclusion and thoughts is please hear the players out on a multitude of concerns, but please don't strip us from winning avatars forever. The idea of that is so disheartening 💔

    Thank you for taking the time to read 😊 I encourage players to write in peacefully about why avatars are important to them and keep pleading the importance of that aspect of the game.
  10. So, what you're saying is that everyone would need to spend to go to premium clubs just to get the simplest and minimum reward from a hunt. Why even have POTD then? At this point might as well make the whole game function only with cat clubs and abolish POTD lol. This makes no sense.

    If ATA has the right to change, we have the right to complain. Don't want to see complaints? Then stay away from the threads. The feedback isn't addressed to you.
    -bae, Woes, Alan and 28 others like this.
  11. This is it. We aren't asking to get everything for free. Me, just like most other players, understand that there is exclusive content for those who spend a lot. And that's fine, they are spending for that exact reason. But we are asking for the minimum. For the balance between pay-to-win and free-to-play. We are asking you to be fair with us. Asking that you don't ignore the people who can only spend money casually, that are only able to spend a little once in a while. That you think about players who have busier lives outside of the game but still enjoy coming here to unwind and have a fun time, but would never be able to reach 16k drops. The new players who are excited to get their first avatar to replace the newbie avatar, but with this change won't be able to get it anytime soon.

    You can reward spenders and bigger players without taking away from the rest of the community, like you have done in the past. There's no need to put the avatars out of our reach.
    -bae, Louvable, Alan and 26 others like this.
  12. Ok you’re right.
    126 max drops (is it more?? My math might be off) potd is still about 130ish parties and you have two weeks, so 65 parties per week.. about 10 parties a day. Some parties are harder than others, i get that. As long as you’re in a club that can finish parties, it shouldn’t be hard.. just be active. 🤷🏻‍♀️
  13. It's not as simple as your making it sound to get 16k avatars

    First, I'm making the attempt at my club. It would not be possible without timers and hunt boxes period. Parties alone would not work. I am not using keys and scraping the barrel on speed ups

    Secondly, I do not get max drops with one unload. Every party is different on time and speed.

    Thirdly, we spend a MAJORITY of the day finding POTD half the time. Some parties are so long that my club wouldn't be close to running 10 of them. And we are better off then others! BIJ for example

    Ata used to have avatars at 15k. Even as a small player, I got the avatars. We didn't have hunt boxes, we didn't get paid the same per hit, and Jiggy made elaborate guides so you know where your drops should be everyday. However, the drops off a regular party was 250 and kinis/cats/pros 500.

    Finally, although I'm seeing if my effort can get me the avatar. Mostly all my friends don't have the time laying around that I do.
    -bae, Sirius, Louvable and 17 others like this.
  14. Just... No.
    -bae, Alan, hypsoline and 12 others like this.
  15. For you to enjoy the game you have to spend more, and that’s not a good stand point because you will lose players. This game was fun before ATA started different tactics to get more money. Over a million players but 90% of the game is now focused on the 0.01% (T100) who spend money, which is unjust. Please remedy this, and not love money like this.
    -bae, hypsoline, saccharine and 10 others like this.
  16. Creat
    Just create a harder premium party for players with bigger stats rather than inconvenience game play for smaller stats. Return the party hard xc and such for players who can’t spend money on a virtual game. Please address all issues brought up by all players, not just one. For those who like war, why not create daily or weekly wars with certain rewards not connected to the hunt. There’s lot of avenues you can explore besides the money one.
    -bae, hypsoline, DanieIIa and 18 others like this.

  17. Idk why you assume that small players can even reach max drops? Lmao that's hilarious. And 10 parties a day? You ever heard of work/school/real life? Jesus Christ.
    -bae, Woes, hypsoline and 26 others like this.
  18. Avatars are important to me because they used to be pretty much all I played this game for, haha. There were a few I spent money to get and I even lost sleep just to make sure I got her and I did so it made it worth it. Now I will not even try for the avatars anymore because it seems so far-fetched for me. I don't want to complain as I really feel it accomplishes nothing. I can see maybe 10k if they must be increased but 16k is preposterous and I will no longer try to get avatars. I suppose I have enough to be satisfied, :]
  19. Do you ever uh go outside?
    -bae, Woes, hypsoline and 9 others like this.
  20. Lmao, what changes? 😂😂😂😂😂, with these changes, you guys will lose everyone, you are making this game a p2p, that's what happens when money gets more important than the fun of a game. When there are dumb devs, the game gets dumb too😌
    -bae, hypsoline, 0-Felix-0 and 8 others like this.