Giving out hippos!!!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ayooo, Feb 16, 2014.

  1. Send me some Hippos, pls. Thanks a lot!!!
  2. Hippos pls!! 
  3. I need hippos  10 please.
  4. I would like hippo ? pwez
  5. Hippos please ???
  6. if you have some to spare id appreciate it thanks ?
  7. Hippos for STD_Ninjatard please 
  8. Can you send me some hippo ? Thanks :)
  9. captain teemo is on duty?
  10. I read whole thing. Thanks in advance. I don't have emoji though. MONKEY!!! See if that works. Wish me luck
  11. Give me hippos 
  12. I need a lot of hippos
  13. Please send me hippos