Giving out hippos!!!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ayooo, Feb 16, 2014.

  1. Thank you? monkeys are my fav emoji lol?
  2. Me please, i don't have emoji
  3. ?I need hippo help?please?
  4. Could I have some hippo's please???
  5. Me pls!!!!
  6. Um I'd like some hippos plz 
  7. I would love some please my Emojis don't work on threads (insert monkey emoji here)
  8. May I have three hippos, I didn't contribute but I just need the three, thanks if yes
  9. Me please ! I dont have the emojis keyboard
  10. Can I have some hippos please 
  11. I need a lot please 
  12. I just wanted to see if I can get through on you terry . No need to get Butthurt ?
  13. may i have hippos please and thank u