[GIVEAWAY] With Love, The Mods: A Crate-tacular Giveaway!

Discussion in 'Contests' started by Day, Sep 17, 2024.

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  1. Been playing PIMD for 12 years under another username! Gosh I was such a noob then 🤭 ... trying to stay awake defending myself during club wars & becoming a 🐼 the next day! 🤣 Made a lot of friends & still keeping in touch with some of them all these years ❤️. Love the avi & cute gifts 💕 The game also helped me through a rough patch & escape reality for a while. Thanks ATA & mods... Hope I’m one of the lucky 22 to win my first-ever crate 👻
    flameSy and Fayee like this.
  2. My most favorite thing about the game is how anyone can enjoy it for different reasons. We sometimes play for the friends, sometimes for the drama, sometimes to collect pixel things that can somehow still hold sentiment. Might be the reason why most players find it super difficult to quit.
    flameSy and Fayee like this.
  3. I think my favorite part of PIMD is the communities people can find here. As of lately it’s hard to celebrate the LGBTQIA+ communities in my local area and I’m happy that this a safe space to talk about love and appreciate one another.
    Witchee, flameSy and Fayee like this.
  4. I'd have to say my favorite part about pimd is the "family" I've made along the way. I've had some tough times with some not so great people but then found some amazing new friends I'm so happy to call family! I love all the avatars and dorms! I love showing my creativity through my dorm room and avatar. Plus I love to collect! Misc and boxes are my number one but love collecting different hunt furni and avi shards! It's always a fun surprise to make an avi with combinable items! Thank you mods, Ata, and everyone who helps run this game!
    flameSy and Day like this.
  5. My 1st favorite thing about PIMD is about getting to know some people here and make friends with them that can be consider family even it just a game.
    The 2nd favorite thing are cute misc and some male avis 🙆🏻‍♂️💕
    flameSy and Day like this.
  6. AS A REMINDER…THIS IS NOT A CONTEST SO WE WILL NOT BE JUDGING YOUR COMMENTS, it is a giveaway with randomly selected winners.
    Croatia, Witchee and flameSy like this.
  7. My favorite thing abt PIMD is being able to collect items. Buying dorms I know I won’t use and trying to get my hands on any and every avi I can. 🤧 But I enjoy this game mainly bc of my friends 🙂‍↕️🫶🏼
    flameSy and Day like this.
  8. My favorite thing about this game is @WompWomp i would’ve never met her otherwise and also trading is so much fun and gifting people cute mcs bc they feel valued i love my pimd friends
    WompWomp, Day and flameSy like this.
  9. My friend this is is live I would never meet her other wise aslo tardeing and meeting new friends and gifting newbie is nice
    Day and flameSy like this.
  10. My favourite thing about PIMD will always and forever be the excitement of waking up to a new hunt or new items dropping. Also because I don’t celebrate things like Halloween or Christmas that much, I always look forward to these hunts on the game which would basically be my way of celebrating the festival :)
    Day and flameSy like this.
  11. My favorite thing about PIMD is all the amazing people I never would have met if I didn’t download this app years ago. Some are good friends and some have become family.

    Witchee, as promised, a huge shout out to you boo. 😂🖤 @Witchee
    Day, flameSy, Sake and 1 other person like this.
  12. My favourite thing about PIMD is the people and relationships formed
    Day and flameSy like this.
  13. My favorite part of the game is the people I've met on here. I struggle with my mental health and though there can be some mean people on here, I could never disregard all the good people I have met on her. I'm lucky to have met such wonderful friends and people I now consider family on this game.
    Day and flameSy like this.
  14. One of my favorite things in PIMD that has kept me coming back year after year even after I take a break sometimes is the customizable features such as my dorm, avi, pet, showcase, etc. I can be me, have my aesthetic, change it up with my mood or the seasons.

    The stats are unique and cute, the trading system is always going, I’m not sure what else we could do other than multiple dorms which is already in the works.
    Day and flameSy like this.
  15. Roses are red,
    Violets are blue,
    PIMD’s cat stats,
    Are purr-fect for me
    Day and flameSy like this.
  16. My favorite thing about pimd, while it may not be as long as others have posted, I love the inclusivity of everyone from around the world and all the different types of people in which we can meet on here.
    Day and flameSy like this.
  17. What I adore most about PIMD is the sheer luxury of the company I keep – from the delightful souls in my HC to the prestigious ppotd testing club representatives, and even the chance encounters with sleepless comrades in the heat of crate wars. And, naturally, the exquisite avatars and rare items – because one must amass them all in their unparalleled splendor.
    Day and flameSy like this.
  18. My favorite thing about PIMD is all the different people you can meet on here. Getting to know new people and getting to learn the common interest you have with them. Whether it's games outside of this one or a show they seen. I love making memories with new people that I find on here 💜
    Day and flameSy like this.
  19. My favorite thing is seeing the cute stuffs they make
    Day and flameSy like this.
  20. My favorite is. . . I dont have any 🤣
    Jaws and flameSy like this.
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