[GIVEAWAY] With Love, The Mods: A Crate-tacular Giveaway!

Discussion in 'Contests' started by Day, Sep 17, 2024.

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  1. Truthfully my favorite aspect of PIMD is the competition in buying and selling. It isn’t always easy, and some people can be Debby downers, but with the support of fellow players it is still a fun experience looking for the items you want. I especially enjoy helping friends hunt down furniture or misc items, even more so when I can track down a fair deal.
    Empress_, flameSy and Day like this.
  2. This game has many things that need to be worked on and improved upon that older games and even new games have that somehow this game doesn’t like x5-x10 spins on the spinner wheel and opening boxes.. but after getting my rant out of the way to show my care for the game; I would say the one thing that has me enjoying the game and sticking with it is the misc and dorms as they give me the Pokemon mentally of “gotta collect them all” the misc most of the time is really well done artistically and many of the items are cute, cool, unique, etc. that makes me enjoy collecting misc and trying to max out the ones I love.
    The dorms are another aspect I enjoy even though that area of the game also needs work.. the dorms are also most of the time very well done art wise and style wise; the ability to fully collect a dorm and own it or mix and match different pieces to make it uniquely yours and show it off to friends is a great aspect of the game that I’m sure many people and why myself and others collect dorm sets :)
    Thank you for reading;
    IGN: Luciferr
    flameSy and BIair like this.
  3. Although not in this game for long, my favorite in this game is the community, very helpful, very eventful and very interactive. Finding new people/friends in this game gave me a lot of things to think about and made me come out of my shell often than the past. This community (whether good or bad), gave me a lot of purpose to have fun, acquire family, and be myself.

    P.S. On another note, loveeeee the avis 🥺
    flameSy and BIair like this.
  4. T
    This is one of the best game I ever played I actually thought this will be boring but u guys proved me wrong one of the best and lovely game I ever played before I wish I can spend more time than before on this I thank to every one who assisted in building this game lots and wishes and love from us ❤️
    Hv a great continuity and hope u make games like this in future by @sandy143
    flameSy and BIair like this.
  5. To me, my favorite thing about PIMD is the interaction between different people. It's really fun to just watch people have silly little conversations. Also,you get to see lots of people from different places all interacting together. ❤️
    flameSy and BIair like this.
  6. Hey, i been playing this game for years now, I love this game pretty much, I guess more than any games I played till now, a interesting thing about this game is we can meet a lot of good nice people from all around the globe and even make families ,friends and connections here , Also it's like a virtual world where we can do anything,we can put aside our differences in real world and be whatever we build here , we can build cute nd cool dorms , be the avatar of our choice, also can find a new hobbies here, like collection of dorms, cute stat items, collection of particular stat items, also Engage in other interesting stuffs, This games actually been my distraction and Relaxation. I really appreciate the developers for making cool stuffs here and really hope they bring more changes and cool things to the game... Thank you..
    flameSy and BIair like this.
  7. I still remember, i was scrolling on Facebook back in 2017; suddenly i saw a advertisement for trying this game. By seeing the colourful Avis and Dorm pictures, i got attracted right away because you know since my childhood i really love colours and I have been working on Advertisement department. Till now the most attractive dorm i liked the most is-Champagne Space dorm, Valentine hunt dorms and so on. I cannot even specify as i almost like all of them. Then, not gonna lie from PIMD i have made so many Friends in rl and from different countries also. Also i have rl life break up too🤣 that player also belongs to one of the PIMD player😓 Though now im happy with PIMD as still now its been 6yrs i still love this game so much & it will be my favourite all the time.
    flameSy and BIair like this.
  8. What I like the most in PIMD is WAR. Although it hasn't been giving much attention as with the PARTIES, I still find it fun whenever there is one or someone is hosting. I usually join wars whenever I'm not busy especially if it's a 24hr war. That said, I'm hoping that ATA would host and also provide special awards as with the parties. Since I know that there are still a lot of Pimd players out there that loves to war rather than partying. Furthermore, I think there should be a duration of 12hr war. 💢🤺
    flameSy and BIair like this.
  9. What I like about PIMD is that it allows me to express creativity by designing dorms and joining contests that spark creativity. 💜 Additionally, I enjoy collecting miscs and avatars that are butterfly related. It gives me joy to see 250/250 on miscs that I collect 🙈🦋
    flameSy, BIair and Flarey like this.
  10. My favorite thing about PIMD is the cat-related items, furniture, and avatars they release. ≽^•⩊•^≼ I’ve been thinking of quitting the game for a while now, but seeing new cat stuff being added is making me rethink my decision. I know there are still plenty of items I need to collect, but I hope ATA blesses us cat lovers with more cute things to add to our starred. ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧ Also, one of my favorite things in the game is the forum contests! I love participating in anything that showcases my creative side. Seeing other players’ art is also very inspiring. (ˊᵒ̴̶̷̤ ꇴ ᵒ̴̶̷̤ˋ)
    Flarey, Joy and flameSy like this.
  11. I love the game because of all the customization we can do. And while we can’t customize our avi’s like in other games, the fact we can collect so many avis and use them at whim AND are able to create a fitting to to the avi is really fun.

    I also enjoy the fact that we can upgrade out stats and room without the fear that our progress will be reset or the server will die because the “goal” was complete. It allows us to take breaks when we need to handle personal issue and not worry that all the progress and potential money spent is going to waste.💜💜
    Joy and flameSy like this.
  12. There's been some on and off issues I've had with this game, but I've been here for 5 years now, and I'll stay on because I love the art and the stories. Some of the stories with the main characters are so cute and interesting, I can't help but want to know what happens next. And the art through the years is so fun to see how it's changed as time went on, and I love all the cute ideas and fun punny little Easter eggs you can find. 💕
    Joy and flameSy like this.
  13. I absolutely adore PIMD’s art as an artist. All the avatars and hunt themes give me so much inspiration and some of them even became my pose references! Down to the items and furniture too, so so creative! I also love that I made both casual and genuine friendships all throughout my long years of staying on and off again. I can definitely say that they’re meaningful even though some just come and go. Kudos to the games’ art team for real though, I adore them a lot!
    Joy and flameSy like this.
  14. I have so many things I just love about PIMD!

    I absolutely love being involved with Ec clubs and helping out others when in need of understanding and playing PIMD.I am an avatar collector so I absolutely ADORE all the avatars that come out!I love meeting and talking to everyone on the app! I have befriended a lot of people off this game and we are very close in real life! I have been playing this game off and on for the past 5 years, I just keep coming back to the thought of the avatars and the cute furniture and all the new people I get to meet around the world!I am especially fond of admining at the Ec club I’m in now! Thank you ATA for giving me the chance to express my favorite thing about this game! You rock mods!<3
    Joy and flameSy like this.
  15. I like PIMD CRATES and the cute items the MOD CRATES as well, miscellaneous,and furnitures, the EC PARTIES and friends that i met on this app. I like the new bentos design and the chibis i like upgrading regularly as well hehe.. 🦧
    Joy and flameSy like this.
  16. My favorite thing about PIMD is the bond that I made with the people I met here thru clubs that I joined. I enjoy the excitement whenever I open boxes. The avis are pretty cool too! A big applause to the mods for this contest. Keep it up 🙌🏻
    flameSy and Joy like this.
  17. My favorite thing about PIMD is the community and the chance for us to meet a lot of interesting people from different places and all walks of life. I have been on and off of PIMD for almost 6yrs now and I keep coming back to it. I have met so many people here and experience much.

    From when I was in highschool till I was done with college and now working, this game have been part of that journey alongside the genuine friends I've made here throughout the years. Although there are times that I would complain about this game, I still love it and would keep coming back to it.
    flameSy and Joy like this.
  18. Having friends is my favorite thing in game. Trading stuffs like furnis to complete a dorm set is really interesting for me. I'm always waiting for gothic avis because it just rocks!
    flameSy and Joy like this.
  19. This game is so addictive! Pimd has been a great help esp when covid happened, cherishing in game friends and collecting shard avis are the best things for me here 💗
    flameSy and Joy like this.
  20. My favourite thing about this game is the entrancing graphics and also the support team which works quick and efficiently to solve all queries and problems. I downloaded this game once in 2016 and I remember there wasn't much furni or avi options in there so it seemed uninteresting and I left but then I downloaded again in 2022 and I was totally enraptured by the beautiful hunts, the graphics on the intricate furnis, avis and even small stats with clever and at times humorous descriptions. This game has been super addictive for me ever since and I'm usually super excited to see the new hunts always and discover new fun tasks PIMD brings once in a while, be it ppotd stats or weekend xc or even the amazing cash promos which is loved by everyone. PIMD has been a place where I could express myself, find new and fun people with similar interests to interact with, I say it's community feeling for me atleast as I've found a bunch of amazing people through this game which I could never have had a chance to interact with. I've learnt a lot of strategizing and I've in a way developed my creativity too with the beautiful dorm designing opportunities. PIMD has been a great experience for me, almost like a microcosm of the world full of bitter-sweet truths and experiences with people, but yes PIMD on its own has never failed to amaze me and keep me engaged with the gameplay and the hunts. Kudos to the team and I'm happy to be a part of this.
    flameSy and Fayee like this.
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