[Giveaway]Bloody Chainsaw 499

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by GodTierOni, May 28, 2019.

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  1. Your cat is not as superior as you think. In fact it’s nothing special at all.
  2. I see.
  3. ┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴
  4. Fixed
  5. So I’m gonna guess the weird new angle didn’t work
  6. The weird new angle? Tactic? Strategy?
  7. Mini are you trying to derail your own thread or have you gotten so bored of your own tactics that you’ve decided to resort to the mindless randomness of idiots?
  8. I was just about to say.. did anyone win this contest or.. ?
  9. So far I’m winning
  10. Yeah.. um... that's a no from me, dawg. ?
  11. Well you softies need to try harder
    Just get angry and let loose.
    I’m your punching bag 
  12. I’m trying here you just haven’t done anything to royally píss me off so I’m just a little stumped :/
  13. Think of me as someone you personally hate and/or dislike :)
  14. But you're likable af.
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