[Giveaway]Bloody Chainsaw 499

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by GodTierOni, May 28, 2019.

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  1. ? *sips in spanish*
  2. Nobody knows you well enough to insult you in a way that actually hurts.

    That vulnerability and trust is something very valuable and fulfilling and you aren't gonna experience it ever because you're too obsessed with appearing tough and being inpenetrable.

    It's also pretty masculine... and "tough" invulnerable girls are hella unattractive. Loneliness awaits you.
  3. Thanks but no thanks Qūeefo

  4. I guess that could be true, But like you gotta know know someone to actually insult them there it hurts. Weakness.
    Like I could have said you is ugly pinheaded nasty troll that smells worse then a sewer plant on the hottest day of summer or your not adopted and your still unloved. You really gotta hit them where it hurts.
  5. ??‍♀️
  6. Ok but I really need the bentos and not a 499 for 499 trade
  7. Plus I really like my bunny
  8. Lock the thread op failed ?
  9. Mini could never fail
  10. To be insulted
  11. Exactly
  12. What did I fail at exactly
  13. Whomst
  14. Minx.
  15. Oof this is weird talking to ya on an alt
  16. But to answer your question you failed at getting insulted. Specifically you failed in that you assumed we knew enough about you to be able to insult you, when really everything said is just recycled junk. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  17. You can easily insult someone if you don’t know them properly :)
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