[Giveaway]Bloody Chainsaw 499

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by GodTierOni, May 28, 2019.

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  1. You make me want to drink Bleach and eat raisins, then practice falling down on that chainsaw.
  3. Mini is the most adorable and coolest player on here. They are very kind and helpful and a great conversationalist. :)
  4. Banned
  5. Damn I thought that’d work
  6. O... I- uh...

    YoUr ThReAd Is StUpId.

    I think I did it right. This one's def gonna be in the running for best one. ?
  7. Mini is a troll that has no clue on what to do when it comes to being nice and dropping the “Tough, edgy act”.
    Mini never shows appreciation for anything and has never heard of humanity.
    Mini is ultimate pessimist and will shove that negativity everywhere.
    Mini allegedly doesn’t give a damm about others but has created this contest to gain some extra attention so they feel special.

    Talk about contradictory.
  8. Idk you, but i would regret if i do
  9. Spicy
  10. Yeah I put more effort into that one I really want that chainsaw because I like spooky/creepy things
  11. Maddi gets my vote again
  12. I-

    Your mean...

  13. If your life was as boring as your personality, it’d be narrated by David Attenborough.
  14. I'd slap u right now. But that'd be animal abuse.
  15. I swear I might just call off this stupid idea
    I am not insulted .-.
  16. Tbh I did offer you a trade over it.
  17. I’m pretty sure all these insults bother you but you wanna act all tough and unharmed when we all know your crying behind your screen. It’s ok we get it everyone wants to be PIMD famous but face it sweetie you just ain’t making the cut. But your trying so hard which just so adorable. I hope your tears remind of you of the failure you are?

    (Its had to insult someone you don’t know)
  18. That makes insulting easier tho
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