[Giveaway]Bloody Chainsaw 499

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by GodTierOni, May 28, 2019.

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  1. That 499 is just as useless and irrelevant as you are
  2. This giveaway is pretty useless. Tbh, I'd say this is the worst giveaway I've ever seen ? good job.
  3. These are all so bad
  4. MiniMinx, what’s the mini part? Is it your dick or just your brain? Being as dumb as you are may come with it perks, but it’s sad to know that you still need to call up your mom when you can’t seem to solve a simple problem. Maybe when you ask yourself why you should get out of bed in the morning, just stay there and bless the earth without your presence.

    (Omg I feel so bad, I hate being mean to people)
  5. Don’t worry
    You weren’t being mean at all :)
  6. Aww mini is being adorably sweet rn
  7. I kept on flipping from being mean to being nice, haha I mean I can insult people when I’m mad, but there is nothing to be mad over.
  8. I know nothing of you that deserves insults??
  9. Well make something up

  10. It would go against ToU if I was mean to you ? therefore, the only thing I can insult is this post asking to be insulted.. like, why even?
  11. Because there’s a prize in it for those who aren’t trying to be goody goodies like you.
  12. Plot twist mini can’t be insulted
  13. I can. You just have to try hard enough.
  14. Dont let your dreams be a dream fight for it because its your goal in life.
  15. Oof
  16. Why would anyone wanna insult such a cool sweet person? ?
  17. maybe they’ll try for 11 hours?
  18. You get on this game to pretend something you’re not, you make funny jokes and troll around but irl you’re the quietest and saddest person alive. you have a lot of friends in here and you’re pretty social, even though irl you get anxiety attacks when someone says hi to you. You get on every morning and make it a habit cause you have nothing else better to do cause no one likes you. no one is gonna be like “ woah where MiniMinx at” because no one actually cares about you.

    I actually don’t know who op so i made a generic insult that could affect some people, ?
  19. Fake news
  20. Inaccurate
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