[Giveaway Again] 30 MORE cats between now and 9/30

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_I_-4m-G0IN6-7o-CHILL-y0U-__-, Aug 8, 2018.

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  1. Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    Plz gimme a cat
    Make mah wish come true 
  2. ?poundcake with peanut butter is the bees knees  with the tall glass of ice cold milk. oh my God the best thing ever!!!!! ?
  3. A cat goes “meow”
    A dog goes “bark”
    A begging goes “please”
    And a hater makes rude remarks.
    Please please please, send me a cat and you’ll have the key to my heart !
  4. Dam. Got hop on the train
  5. In the past, when your mother was with child, she developed an unusual appetite. she took one look at my beautiful garden, and told your father that what she wanted more than anything in the world was

    Greens, greens and nothing but greens:
    Parsley, peppers, cabbages and celery,
    Asparagus and watercress and
    Fiddleferns and lettuce-!

    He said, "All right,"
    But it wasn't, quite,
    'Cause I caught him in the autumn
    In my garden one night!
    He was robbing me,
    Raping me,
    Rooting through my rutabaga,
    Raiding my arugula and
    Ripping up my rampion
    (My champion! My favorite!)-

    I should have laid a spell on him
    Right there,
    Could have changed him into stone
    Or a dog or a chair...
    But I let him have the rampion-
    I'd lots to spare.

    In return, however,
    I said, "Fair is fair:
    You can let me have the baby
    That your wife will bear.

    And we'll call it square."
  6. Why do we tell actors to “break a leg?”

    Because every play has a cast.
  7. Hurricane Florence is coming
    1 cat= 1 prayer
  8. I don’t know what this means because I’m new but I’m participating anyway :) cheers
  9. ????
  10. ??????
  11. I want cat too I will be really really happy if you give cat to me
  12. Ok I'm posting something below 
  13. Generous. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  14. Pick Me!

    AshwTheMaleBodyInspector ??
  15. I'm new and never win anything pick me!!
  16. Kind of cool something below
  17. Pretty kitty at the end of my rainbow
  18. What happens when a pope dies?
    Another one popes up
  19. Hope I get lucky
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