[Giveaway Again] 30 MORE cats between now and 9/30

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_I_-4m-G0IN6-7o-CHILL-y0U-__-, Aug 8, 2018.

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  1. That is very cool. Nice that you made a new friend.
  2. Roses are red, white, blue, pink,violet and idk anymore.
  3. Interesting fact: Saint Margaret is the patron saint of libraries and also my namesake. I turned out to be a total bookworm 
  4. i’m here, and still queer unfortunately
  5. I like ham
    I like PAM
    Pam makes things not stick
    I like butter
    PAM is butter
    Fluffer nutter
    Butter rhymes w/ nutter
    Nutter n butter
    mmm n ham
  6. I like grits
    Who gives a...
    what’s that a snake?
    Or the sound cats make?
    Wake and bake
    Fùck the fake
    Rhymes with cake
    Mmm cake
    B-b-b-b- balls.
  7. ^^^I see the inspiration behind it and I love it :lol:
  8. Delicious bites 
  9. You know I had to do it for ya
  10. I need a cat
  11. Me please lol
  12. ?❄?? I made it cool
  13. I'm hyped for hypno and I hope I meet the cut for the cat.
  14. You did. I feel very chill right now.
  15. Lurking everywhere
  16. I am hoping to get lucky and win a hypnocat this time. And anyone looking for a club please stop by mine. We could use the extra hands.
  17. Why is being queer unfortunate...
  18. Tested positive for a blood clot, can't seem to catch a break. ??
  19. Sending positive vibes into the universe for you
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