[Giveaway Again] 30 MORE cats between now and 9/30

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_I_-4m-G0IN6-7o-CHILL-y0U-__-, Aug 8, 2018.

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  1. It’s still going on.
  2. I'm a sad potato and I want to win something in my life ?
  3. I’m cool ? *break dances*
  4. Would a pic of my doggo persuade you?

  5. There was a car found on fire with a dead body in it at my workplace last night at 4 a.m. that's the coolest story I got
  6. whips

    nae naes

    thats about as cool as i can get
  7. Meh cat is waiting for food here ya know! Help my cat out hihi ??
  8. Me please 
  9. Sometimes, I like to pretend I’m cool by not only singing but dancing in the shower. Bonus points each time I don’t break anything ^-^
  10. I might just turn into Sadako Yamamura if you don't give me that cat...  ... I loving lingering in forum ?
  11. Once upon time there was this little girl who always dreamed of getting a cat who gave her money so she could go buy the perfect party cat. Then one day and nice guy came along and gave her a cat. She was so excited she went and partied and got millions of dollars. The end?
  12. Peanut butter Jelly time!!!
  13. i went to a zoo last week, but they only had one animal. it was a shiitzu
  14. What's the difference between snowmen an snow women? A: Snowballs
  15. Soft kitty warm kitty little ball of furr.. happy kitty sleepy kitty purr purr purr 
  16. I’m here again because double payout so why not ?
  17. I had a dream I was a muffler, I woke up exhausted.
  18. Anything under the sun, right?
    Well, is this still active? 

    So what can you say about the hunt now?
    Exciting? Too aggresive approach? Tell me 
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