Meh... close enough... Congrats Violettee... for winning a free hypnocat drop by being the first person besides me to post (repost) a hidden/transparent color text message!!!??? The interesting thing about doing this is that once a thread is locked you no longer have the ability to see what was written in the post itself if it was transparent. You can only see the message on the search screen... by specifically searching for one of the keywords in that message or the user that created it... so now you have unlocked one of my PIMD secrets.
I was starting to lose hope. There are two more things I am hoping someone finds that I left clues to in the last giveaway that were never done... having to do with colored text. Good luck.
So, at my last job I had this boss (who's a lawyer) that most of the time would not flush when going to the staff bathroom. It was a challenge each time and a battle amongst all employees to see who could hold it longest after he went to the bathroom, so they wouldn't have to flush for him. You either managed to go to the bathroom before he came in or you had to deal with his waste. Same employer also hated the concept of taking phone calls in his allocated office space. He was a big believer in open office floor plans. So whenever he wanted to take a call he didn't want us listening in on he would take it to the bathroom. What the poor guy didn't know or didn't care about was that we could hear everything through the door anyway. This is also the reason why we could clearly hear him doing his thing in the bathroom WHILST on the call. Every customer did too. And the best part? It just so happened that the times he took a call in the bathroom he always remembered to flush. Now if he only remembered to wash his hands too... Stay tuned for more.
what, seriously?? that's awesome! well, i definitely didn't think things through if all i had to do was post transparent text ? thank you so much!!!
HRM. I'm not spazztastically funny. So I'll just write about me Im almost done with my Bachelor's degree in Psychology! I hopefully will start my Masters Next fall....I'm 25...and live in Texas! AND I just rode the Superman at six flags for the first time a few weeks ago! Woot!