When can we mass gift instead of sending just one at a time???? It's a request that's been asked for for ages now. C'mon ata, stop sippin on timmies coffee and do this!
Nutcracker-infinite mistletoe-5ec/30=150ec boxers-150m/50=7.5B undies-300m/25=7.5B fruitcake-infinite latte-2ec/50=100ec husky-10ec/15=150ec claws-50m/100-5B Wreath-150m/50=7.5B 27.5b and 400ec not counting infinite items
Wait, you think thy will actually do something we want?? you mean like not b2b cc hunts, not unoriginal hunts, not pay to win hunts, no more cc, mass gifts, iOS seeing actives, relationships gone, stuff like that?? Yea.. Ata will sureeeeeely do that
I dunno if I'm crazy, but wasn't there more than 4 pages of posts on this thread? I might be going nuts ?