Why would you want everyone to be able to see the gift messages? invasion of pimd privacy Support but not that much, we're bound to have people screw up and set an amount accidentally and send over 100 ec gifts by accident and then there's going to be rage and the limit of 10 is to prevent unwanted spam I think
sorta off topic..they should let use the atm to deposit cash into other players accts... i hate to DV takes to much time..
fully support the sending but not the message unless there was a private or public option on the gift ?
(Reply to public view of messages) that would start why to much drama! There are in game couples as well as Rl couples here and I'm sure there are single people that stick messages in gifts that would get others in trouble with there partners :-x On another note who else would like to be able to input the amount of pots you buy? Because buying 2-5k pots kinda takes forever buying in groups of 500 D:
Now what would you do if I sent you 1000 toilet papers and made your app crash? There is a reason you can't send multiple gifts, and a reason why people can only hold 10 or so without accepting.
I think it would be great to have the option of spamming gifts but i worry about being spammed things i don't want