[GIFT OFF] World Cup Community Choice Avatar

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jun 28, 2014.

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  1. A Steven Gerrard avatar 
  2. Ec scam. Don't waste your time on this.
  3. Mexico aren't part of the gift off.
  5. Send me Australia mascot 
  6. Koo Ja Chol... If I spell it right.
  7. I think other unfair that some country flags are 50ec and the others are only 100m! Where's the equality??
  8. Ochoa from Mexico would be nice?
  9. @pimd Will you be giving us a leaderboard of how many mascots have been sent from each country? I think that'll be useful so we can see which country is at the top, which one is at the bottom, etc. That way we can see how far behind we are from first place, and it will motivate us to send more 
  10. Pls gift me some mascot i dont have any
  11. I really want an Aussie avatar 
  12. this is stupid!! The only usa flag is 50 ec. U can stick this where the sun dont shine!!!
  13. its a fucking rip off, we cant get a usa avi because we have to spend 50 ec for the god damn mascott
  14. ? Shouldn't the ppl who gifted the winning teams gift not or not just the ppl who received the gift be rewarded?
  15. Oooh please make an avatar that looks like Ronaldo  Everyone Send Portugal's flag 
  16. Is the Avatar for free or we shud buy from ava store??
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