I don't know if this has already been said, but you guys should also show who sent out the most gifts that might be interesting to see! Like top 10 senders of each gift!
Maybe next time gifts for the winning side can be more expensive proportional to how much the side wins by. So the dudes stop complaining that girls always win.
Annnnnd the winner is........ Team Guys! With 312,997 Corsages gifted across the game! Team Gals were close with 299,819 Boutonnieres gifted! Top 10 Corsage Recievers: 6041 AD_ShAyShAyLuVsCrOsS_ 4000 I-J-Make-My-Pupil-Hot 4000 -v-Hartee 3741 Why_so_serious-you_mad_or_nahh 3547 -BCS-Chelsa- 3500 --Pey-- 3346 Maria91 3147 -G0DD3SS_1ST_CL4SS-B3LLD4NDY- 3011 dee88 Top 10 Boutonniere Recievers: 4533 MrNeal's 4043 __yashgupta__ 3079 xXx_Mr_Demian_xXx 3035 -N_A-80Casey13 3024 _Angrylion_ 2962 -MG-Flirtatious-Daisy 2523 _JTK__iTiaLoveMyTeddyBear_ 2200 _JTK__im_bored_but_wont_logoff 2152 -blast-from-baja- 2099 -_iQuintonAteYourKitty_- 2501 SxS_Mfg_hasmyheart_SxS