STORY PASS Getting Lit This Hanukkah! ๐Ÿ•Ž

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Dec 2, 2023.

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  1. these avis are cute, I like the story pass
  2. Orthodox Jewish or Orthodox Christian?
  3. I don't know why there aren't any Muslim hunts, but when it comes to Orthodox Jews they are a small community that likely doesn't play games like pimd due to their religious beliefs. As for Christians, all major holidays are Christian (although you can always choose how to celebrate) including Christmas, Easter and orthodox Christians celebrate them the same way Catholics and others do, with some exceptions (there are hundreds of christian sects).
    Sherz, Gleem, Yxe and 2 others like this.
  4. ATA needs to do a Pongal hunt (Indian Harvest Festival that happens in January) given that they're a Canadian gaming company and Justin Trudeau always wishes Indians for Pongal live on TV they really need to make a hunt for the festival
  5. ื—ื ื•ื›ื” ืฉืžื—๐Ÿ•Žโค๏ธ
    ThatAnnoyingDude and Elizamoon like this.
  6. Orthodox Christians. Nah, man, they do it the Catholic way bcs Orthodox Christians and Muslims are really afraid of the sins.
  7. You mean they do the hunts Catholic way?
  8. wow didnt realize people who are jewish can't hold money or make it rain๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿคง. This feels like a reach
  9. There are Muslim hunts as well, usually for Eid-ul-fitr (there was one this year in case you missed it). Sometimes us Jews will get either Hanukkah or Purim in the form of monthly Avis or something. Just like Christians, there are various types of Jews; orthodox, unorthodox, kosher, non kosher. Stay blessed brother.
  10. ^ or sister ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป
  11. Bad take. Find a different place for such a statement - Jewish people exist outside of this conflict, and deserve to have a wonderful Hanukkah. May everyone deserving stay safe during the holidays. ๐Ÿฉต
  12. Better delete this, because you will be silenced, I was silenced as well๐Ÿฅธ
    marly_marls, Juanicorn and Yxe like this.
  13. Always grateful when something Hanukkah is represented considering there hasn't been a room since 2017. Could the drop rate be a whisker higher for these avatars please. I've even done premium parties with no luck.:(
  14. Anyone still not got the avi ๐Ÿฅฒ
    -May- and Opal like this.
  15. We can fight and still celebrate to keep hopes up. Weโ€™ve stopped war to allow time to celebrate - we can say happy holidays and still keep advocating. You also did say something wrong, not all Jewish people are for this conflict as you implied. It is horrible people.

    I wonโ€™t be responding to anything more about this, as this is not the place for such a discussion. However, as I said before -

    I hope anyone deserving of peace and joy these holidays have just that. ๐Ÿฉต
    Muschi, Fetch, Fight and 1 other person like this.
  16. What is there so special to stop war only to celebrate? Excuse me for being an inconvenience to you as an entire population is being wiped out. But how are all they going to celebrate knowing that thousands are mourning their lost family in this war? I can say my whole family could just died yesterday if i was there in an explosion. And you telling me in my face that i should just smile and celebrate because of holidays it's plain the most untouched statement i could hear. Try to see it lol.
    The only ones who are going to celebrate are those who started this 70 years ago. And we all know who is it.

    Remember the war with ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ and ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡บ
    ATA didn't put a Russian holiday to remind us where they stand. They instead made donations possible for the Ukranian people. It's quite hilarious of how silent everyone is now. There should be no favoritism in a time like this. Or no subtle signs for favoritism. Remember this.

    I don't have anything personal against specific group of peopls as jews. I'm against people that should make okay to just start a second time or mass ending lives.
    I just truly can't understand how we can celebrate such holiday when we all know that the team whom is winning is doing this because of religion.
    Are you telling me that is that alright to create a festivity while we know what is happening and who is being the perpetuator of all and everything that is happening right now there?
    My dear you are leaving with a castle up above the skies in your head. Because nothing is all sweets and barbies in the world we live in.
    Please read some history before you speak. This has been going for over 70 years.
    Also last thing: If you report me and try to silence me and they agree with that. It simply means I'm right and y'all just angry with my statement because you know it's true.

    Happy holidays my dears ๐ŸŽ„๐Ÿ˜โค๏ธ
    Kakashi, marly_marls, Gleem and 2 others like this.
  17. I agree with this. It is also weird how all the other comments which were nothing against ToU have been removed on this forum post. Only because we all what she was saying itโ€™s the wrong moment to celebrate such holiday when we know the other group needs more support. Money makes everything move to the point not even an enjoyable game we all know we loved will stay on the right side of the spectrum. Which is this game Iโ€™m talking of.

    I will see that post getting deleted to just let it see if itโ€™s proven right what Yxe said.
  18. I don't see Antisemitism in what she said and I'm Jewish. I think there is no reason to have support for my community at this moment. Hence what is happening in the war is atrocious. You don't need to be Muslim to stand with Palestine you just need to be human. It takes only two clicks away to get informed about history.
    It is true if you look at what happened in the past year with Ukraine. Why everyone is so quiet now? The intention reveals the actions.I could have waited another year to see Hannukkah happening and I'd still been happy to be represented. But it is for me a shame to see it now. I'm not the victim here. I don't need attention.
  19. Weird that there's people in the replies acting like there aren't also Palestinian Jews, Ethiopian Jews, Mizrahi Jews, and more that face oppression under Israeli rule and deserve to have a happy Hanukkah.
    marly_marls and Quantum like this.
  20. Nothing weird about being conscious that none of the Palestinian people are having any Happy Hannukah as you are speaking my dear.
    Just image for a fraction of a second even about the Palestinian people in the West Bank. You think they're having a delightful time there? No. They are being wrongly accused and being treated poorly by all meanings.
    So I'm sure none of the Palestinian people in and out of the Gaza I can guarantee you are having any Happy Hannukah. It is like the dictator that caused the Jewish community to suffer for half a decade has came back to ruin them. Now imagine this is happening to Palestinians. Crazy to put that symbolism in such a situation. That again it has happened for over 70 years. My bad my dear for caring so much โ™ฅ ๐Ÿฅบ

    Happy Hannukah ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿป under the oppression.
    Kakashi and marly_marls like this.
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