Get Your Heart On!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Feb 12, 2015.

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  1. We'll find out when the hunt ends (time) hopefully soon, when hunt finishes shortly after rewards will be distributed.
  2. #Rose4Mod2k15

    Wish you were chosen instead of MrsPerez
  3. The hunt ends noon PST time, which is in about an hour. Then it'll take the devs a while to distribute the avatars and achievements out to all the specific playeds. Just gotta have patience.
  4. If the party started before noon but does not end before noon, will it still drop the love text ? And if yes then are they counted ?
  5. As is the normal case with hunts, drops stop right at noon so parties completed afterwards will not see Luv Txts drop.
  6. Why can't we gift these 
  7. Be a ★ @ Empire ?New Club Unlocking PPA & CC ?
  8. Post your ads on Campus/ad thread, off topic.
  9. No one wants to join your noob club
  11. The event is now over and rewards will go out shortly.

    Thank you to all who participated :)
  12. 30 txt and got the best ava 

    Reported 4 hax ?
  13. ;)
  14. Server glitch time ignored?
  15. </3


  16. <3
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