Get Egged This New Year!

Discussion in 'Contests' started by renamed52415, Dec 10, 2022.

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  1. LadyKoko, Marigold, _-Star-_ and 9 others like this.
  2. I haven't gotten a gift yet :]
  3. add ign:Egg so they can assist you
    Mimikuma likes this.
  5. Alright guys, anyone who hasn’t received the second gift: ADD ME. I will send an item for you to recreate
  6. BeautzAKz likes this.
  7. i was gifted Lifty the Kitty by @KarmaCamilleon

    crocheted from a free pattern >:)

  8. [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    My gift, my art supplies, the finished product lol it was fun!
  9. :cool:
    Did you use makeup?! Wow
    AKzBeautz likes this.
  10. Ign: Luna_Licht
    Sender: Egg
    Item: Pub Sandwich Board
  11. So, I downloaded imgur to my phone to do this, but can't find the link ended in .jpg or .jpeg ...

    I only gives me two options when it comes to get a link (permalink and holding and copying) and both are the same without the .jpg

    So I'm gonna try this anyway:

  12. I give up.
    I swear it's not giving me the bbcode option.
  13. Ign Rainie
    Gift from -BM-Starlight-
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