EVENT Get a Clue!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Queens, Sep 24, 2019.

  1. I just want to know how we get the police tape?😭 I bought some but I want to know to get it🤔
  2. PSA: You do not have to love a hunt for it to not be trash, I don't like it but in no way are the items badly made. Ya'll angry people need to relax 🙄
    Carrie, Alicia, Eva and 3 others like this.
  3. Police tape is attained from PRO potd and EC parties, it does NOT drop from regular POTD
    Lady409 and --iVinny--Chef_af-- like this.
  4. Did 5 EC parties in a row with no tape drops 🤧 5 more and I’m submitting a ticket
    __Cece__ likes this.
  5. You can get Police Tapes from PPOTDs! You can also get some from CCs and Pizza, but in smaller amounts.
    Lady409 and Muschi like this.
  6. Who even are you
    Where did you come from
  7. already did. they said it's not a guaranteed drop, since it's not a part of the story 🙄
  8. [​IMG]
  9. 10x in a row? That sounds like a bug to me when everyone else in club has gotten the drop at least once. Doesn’t matter which bars I hit or frequency, either.
    __Cece__ likes this.
  10. Do you usually hang around PIMD cuz I’ve never seen you before. :eek:
    [ATA]Ness likes this.
  11. Thank you for finally including something special for pro parties. Nice to see there's finally something a little more enticing for people to run them.
    Carrie and Shinon like this.
  12. poop
  13. Never said he was, chill dude.
  14. Oh I love the lovebird style! It reminds me of how Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries just went off of Netflix in America before I watched the last few episodes!😭
    [ATA]Queens and Bellissima like this.
  15. I like the idea overall and like some of the avis (esp noir and jessica rabbit-y lady) not entirely a fan of the furni though but not all hunts can be winners 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
  16. They’re fictional characters... Morgan Freeman is a human being.
    iEllie and DiablosPrincess like this.
  17. Definitely my prime suspect 🧐
    GodTierOni likes this.
  18. I reckon we eed
    There's more than enough representation of all skin colors in the game at this point in time. Maybe like 4-5 years ago it was a major issue, but now things are getting really diverse.
    Quit whining about this subject now about diversity and representation. It's honestly old news and it's been addressed fantastically by the Devs.
    There are more and more diverse avatars than there ever has been and still its not good enough? I think it's not only people on the one side of the coin that need to take a seat and think about what they're saying. It's both sides that need to come to realize that you're finding issues where there are none and that have already been sorted.
    Short of the story thank you to the Devs for making a great hunt and honestly the cupcakes in here going on about race unnecessarily need to chill.
    PS: can we also mention how many avis they've released for so many different cultural and religious holidays?? I mean seriously, the state of where representation and diversity is in the game is better than ever before. 😍
    OneHystericalQueen and Twink like this.
  19. I reckon we need to take a step back from the whole race thing and just admire how great they look regardless. Also maybe a silly question isn't the difference in color partially reason to copyright stuff etc.?
    I don't think you could make exact copies of the characters