Gracie north korea is also making me worrying! But this is not the subject at the moment! I will make a thread about it tomorow!
I'd let my kid do whatever the fuck he wants. Fuck, if he wants to listen to some crappy as music, cool, i believe in freedom. Fuck that dictatorship crap.
I saw I was mentioned I'm not looking toflinto have my silenced lifted I was just making sure I didn't offended anyone flinestone lol just saying
Corey I do not agree with you! We live in a world where money is taking over us! Parents work hard to earn money ad they don't give enought money for their kids so the idea? Give them what they want because it wouldnt be fair to enter into a fight with them since their kids are alone bored!
I would definitely not be controlling with my kids, as that's how my parents are. They need to know certain things or else they'll make mistakes by figuring out for themselves, the bad way
USA is best country in the world, U don't have to worry We can conquer the world if we wanted to
Uhm usa is in big dept arent you guys? And china is paying your depts! That not looking good for all of you :x
Bad parenting is a major major issue in why kids are the way they are! Parents are now pretty much forced to work like crazy just to get by now a days. I am really blessed to be able to stay home rather then work. The other issue is parents not being involved enough when they could be. Some parents rely purely on the schools to teach their kids everything in life.
Seriously, it's not that bad. Sure, people like that candy shop by 50 cents But don't judge them by one song. What if they are some genius at a top college or something. Eh,
And I wouldn't blame my mom and dad for the choices I've made... Yeah, I've done stupid crap, I say stupid crap, But it's cuz it was my choice not theirs