Whether you're gay, les, trans, bi—do whatever you want in your bedroom, and love who you want. However, with every person I meet, I'm not asking what "Zir, Gir, Zhey" pronouns they preference. Half of the nonbinary mess seems like an attention grab to be unique, anyways. If you go check out the people that use the odd pronouns, it's what they strive for, to be different than everyone else as best they can.
the issue w this is that ppl take 13 yr olds online and satirical anti-trans pages as representation of actual nonbinary people. im nonbinary, OP is nonbinary, many many of our friends are nonbinary - none of us asked to be referred to as zi/zir/etc, none of us lash out if someone accidentally messes up our pronouns. ive never met another nb person who uses pronouns like that - the only place ive seen it, as i said, is very young peoples' pages, and when people use it as an attempt to mock and invalidate trans identities. the anti-trans circle-jerk of "lol well i identify as an attack helicopter and my pronouns are zoomself" is honestly next to the only thing sustaining that stereotype at this point.
Hold up. You've been preaching to others about not assuming or judging others in all of the LGBT-themed threads. Now, you're willing to decide who's nonbinary, based on your assumptions of what those people are like, amiright? Meet EverydayFeminism, a website dedicated to Social Justice. Their staff "about me" page describes a plethora of people that identify with the weird Zir, Gir junk that you denounce as kid stuff. Problem is, even if it were strictly only something teens do, those teens eventually become adults who believe in that crap then teach it to their junior generation. As far as the anti-trans people you're referring to—just because an individual doesn't like a particular idea in the movement, doesn't make them altogether anti-trans. The movement is good-intentioned, but some ideas within the movement are , and that's all there is to it.
this might be a super ignorant and dumb opinion, but... I personally think that trans people that don't suffer from bodily/physical dysphoria (it's like soldiers when their arm is blown off and they feel an arm should be there, mtf feel like breasts should be there) Aren't technically trans. Of course, I'll respect them and say they're valid yadayada, but I think the real reason nonbinary and etc. Genders are popping up today and trans people like "you don't need physical dysphoria to be trans..!" I think you do, though. It is a disorder, but nothing to be "healed". You transition to the other gender and that's how it's fixed. However, in the case of nonbinary genders and (mostly) females wanting to be male, and some males wanting to be female, I feel like a huge amount of them are not "doing it for attention", but rather, uncomfortable because of society's boxes for both male and female. A woman who is more masculine than feminine is shunned as "not a woman" or a 'butch' or 'dyke' by society, so she feels like being male is the way to go and fit into this society. Likewise, a male who is feminine but does not want to be seen as a "drag queen" or gay man sees no other choice sometimes but,ah, they must be trans! Obviously. And nonbinary people feel masculine and feminine at the same time, but since society says if you're a man you must be masculine and a female feminine, they decide, ah. Must be trans. Because they want to fit in, they want to have some sort of identity that will be respected by society. Not for "attention", but for validity. I feel like if society didn't throw "gender nonconformists", aka masculine females and feminine males, into the same restrictive labels all the time, we'd have a lot less of this trans stuff. Not that I have an issue with it, becaus seeking validity is not a problem. I'm just simply coming up with a theory, is all.
Actually the term "Hetero" means opposite and "homo" means same. Neither of them means anything about gender preferences till you add on the suffix to the word ..
Pansexual- I'm truly gender blind. As long as you're a homo sapien sapien (a human being); then we're good to go
Bisexual, but I'm really thinking pan. Being with any gender, whether male, female, or trans doesn't bother me one bit ?
Do you have an opinion on my post or nah? I'm not trying to be discriminatory, as part of the LGBT community myself, I'm just trying to theorize because I'm a huge fan of history and anthropology and psychology. Heh.
I think this is a really good thread. A lot of people on here get confused on what their sexuality is. Well life in general. So now some can look at this to help figure it out.