gender/preferences! ;o

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nicewife, Jun 9, 2016.

  1. Yes. He does
  2. I am God and I slightly approve.
  3. Nice thread Q bb
  4. o my. ur infidelity is now forgiven, platybb <3
  5. I don't really like any thread anymore but I like this one ️️
    Gj op ?
  6. I have a question...can one be hetero with occasional pan instances? I'm a cis female, more than okay with the body parts my mama grew for me, and for the most part I've only ever been attracted to men.

    Though I have been in love and incredibly attracted to one female in my life. It was just...her. I've never been remotely interested in any other female.
  7. I like this
  8. Best thread in a while. Informative and opened up a debate.
    Nice op
  9. Wow I has been loyal af k :/
  10. It isn't regardless of how you dice it Pan indicates being attracted to ALL genders. Bisexual has limitations.

    Also your concluding statement doesn't account for people who don't identify as either male or female

    Also Bisexuals aren't all necessarily attracted to people who aren't cisgender, whereas from my understanding of pansexuality they definitely are.
  11. Love this thread. ?
  12. I'm a guy and I want my sexy women kus that's what every man wants
  13. Why is this anyone's business? Who cares who you are, what parts you have, or how you feel, it has absolutely nothing to do with me, or anyone.
    It isn't hurting anything. Let people be happy, straight, bisexual, transgender.
    Just stop the hate, and let them live their lives.
    You have your own issues to worry about, don't worry about theirs.
    If you don't agree with it.. Fine. That's your opinion. But to degrade them for not being "like everyone else" isn't ok.
    So what if they are different. How does it affect you?
    Respect a human being, the same way you want to be respected.
  14. Preach lol
    Like why people got to hate for I once met this guy and because I'm attracted to women he was like "that's sexy" but when he met my friend male who's attracted to other males he low key bashed him for it like dude that's not how you treat a person just because if there sexuality

  15. Straight 
  16. Congrats on your pride month.
    Do I need to create a month for heterosexual.
    Also create a month for Vegans?
  17. I think that common contemporary notions of love would really have to argue that it runs deeper than sexuality :/
    So it makes sense that you can love someone even if you're not sexually attracted to them
  18. i'd say sexuality is a complicated animal - not all cases will fit into a label. for instance, there's demiromantic aka attracted only once a sufficient level of closeness has been established. it's up to u if u think being attracted to her makes u pan/bi or heteroflexible! ;o
  19. there are already 12 such months every year. vegans can celebrate their lifestyle too, but this is irrelevant. please do not derail this thread :)