gazzzap_me wants a Pimd wifey

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iLoatheRoss, Jul 13, 2013.

  1. Well, he's stupid enough to think the avatar is an actual picture...
  2. Lol it's a she epi
  3.  No Zach.
  4. ? I'm confused.
  5.  No what Alice?
  6. I'm not stupid enough to think this is serious......o.o didn't you ask me that?
  7. No I was talking to the girl above you  hence my second post when you posted just before I could get my post in.
  8. Wow, this is still going. Good job Boo!

    Guess no one cares about my alts feelings…
  9. Don't worry gazza bro your alt can be single with me
  10. Wth.. and i have never rp 'd.. i must be really boring.. dont even know wat its about :O
  11. Ill show you my kinky rp way who like hot inky rp?
  12. gazz u knw u love it haha!!!!
  13. 
  14. Gazzypoou love the attention now shush n let the women's fought for ur attention
  15. I'm just stuck on the "troublesome tuts" comment  Gazzy... I need clarification rp in tc. 
  16. 
  17. Ill show him my ankle  can't resist that