Game of Cliques : The Rad God

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jun 12, 2015.

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  1. Barely any parties drop wow at a way to go
  2. Why is the stat item 5,000/5,000 when it says 10,000/10,000 here?
  3. if you dun wanna hunt anymore..
    go to -> phone settings -> applications -> pimd -> uninstall.
    that easy .. lols
  4. 
  5. Not really iOS is easier. Click & hold pimd icon, click "x", click YES
  7. Easier... They could just not do them or make an effort to do them
  8. I just noticed... these avatar's skin colors are more realistic than the old avatars. Nothing much... Just saying...
  9. I already have the 2 common avatar <3 ^_^
  10. Why does mayonnaise not fix toe-nail infections?
  11. It would just be real nice, if once, we could get drops from pvp actions even if just one per hit, you know how many dns I would buy? Even could reward the people who are hit, say if they defend successfully or something
  13. gimme lighter
  14. pimd has anybody told you that your hunts suck and you need to stop them? oh yeah everyone has but youre to arrogant to listen you filthy money hungry rooster suckers.
  15. I'm thinking Lady Lonewolf here represents Ygritte uwu

    Since this Ava style looks nothing like what Sansa would be xD (Though there's that bit of fiery red hair) xD
  16. there's been a mistake. in ur post wolf shud have 10k/10k stats but ,when we unlocked it in only has 10k total stat. pls do fix it???
  18. Oh... Oops... I mean... let me just fix that...

  19. Your usage of that gif pleases me ?
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