Game of Cliques (Partee Drops)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Jiggy, Jun 12, 2015.

  1. My club did it last night, we know. Just couple hours to go y'all!!!
  2. I'm making an update for the main post now. I accidentally deleted the update so I have to do it again :lol:
  3. Thanks Jiggy for this thread and everyone for the info on parties 
  4. Some clubs doing cabana cool .....but don't know if dropped or not
  5. Ok back to the trenches to find the new party. 1 hr left lol
  6. Club signups for party search so there aren't as many duplicates?
  7. Sounds awesome
  8. My club will do hype machine once cosplay party item drop reduced
  9. That will work, good idea
  10. Trying fits for drops
  11. Should I make a new thread for it?
  12. 5 mins till there is a new party drop.

    I'll start working on the update of the thread which includes which day what parties dropped.
  13. Will you also do the sign up sheet?or will the update include the sign ups? Order will we just continue with how we are doing it?
  14. Sign ups will be made here. Since this is the last 24 hours of the hunt there is no point in doing it in the main post. I will take this into consideration with future hunts similar like this. Just post what party you're gonna do and I'll make a list.
  15. Forsaken Harmony will be doing Prank Primer next
  16. Yes sir/ma'am
  17. TSK will be running jpop next
  18. Magnificent Warriors is running Back Alley Debut
    Perfectly Devious Army is running Enjoi JPOP
  19. Dropping
    36 max limo
    # max Cosplay
    250 max PPA
    500 max cat cafe

    Needs checked
    -no hands
    -first world
    -fake art
    -art Starzzz
    -all roads
    -afternoon delight

    -back alley