Game of Cliques (Partee Drops)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Jiggy, Jun 12, 2015.

  1. Because I didn't see a for sure confirmation, no to All Roads
  2. Not all roads lead to beer
  3. Just Dance!
    Enjoi J-POP!
    Cosplay Please
    Anime Expo
    Big in Japan

    These are leftover parties and need volunteer to check that. Or any club is doing one of these?
  5. My club is going to continue doing the anime themed ones I think
  6. Clandestine doing fits, it was left off the short list...
  7. 36 max inferno from Limo
    250 max PPA
    500 max CC

    -fake art
    -counter culture
    -no hand brakes
    -back alley
    -first world
    -blue plate
    -all roads


    -just dance
    -draw manga
  8. Just dance not dropping from club the queens n kings
  9. Probably otaku or fits my guess.
  10. Updated
  11. Queens and Kings did Just Dance no drops
  12. Enjoi J-POP!
    Cosplay Please
    Anime Expo
    Big in Japan

    These are leftover parties and need volunteer to check that. Or any club is doing one of these?
  13. The Cypher Reborn is doing Big in Japan
  14. What are the odds... Still not found.

    I'm gonna cry if there's no new one today.
  15. My guess is arcade fits or cosplay
  16. You guys are still trying? This hunt is to get money only.
    No cc no ava.
    Tomorrow limos drop will probably be smaller and if theres another party found then that drop will more then likely small
  17. Guys, read pages before. It was said.
  18. No need to be a Debbie Downer 
  20. We know........