Galaxy S7 vs Iphone 7

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Jovanna23, Oct 2, 2016.

  1. LMAO
  2. My other butt cheek says the galaxy lol:,) ..and thanks once again for your comments I did do some research on the phones but just wanted to know yalls opinions or other things that weren't mentioned on the reviews ..
  3. Why not both? ?
  5. Black berry Porsche design 9983 is fresh. #oldschool
  6. Remember the Note 7 is different from the S7 and S7 Edge. Only the Note was recalled and everyone who has the s7 Edge (including me) is pretty happy with it. I'm a former iPhone user and I got the s7 Edge because it's a beautiful phone.

    The S7 and the iphone 7 are water resistant which is an awesome feature. Note this doesn't mean waterproof. This feature is to safeguard your phone from accidents and stuff.

    Now that we've gotten that out of the way...


    The iphone 7 has 1960 mah of battery while the iPhone 6 had 1810 mah. The S7 has 3000 mah while the s7 edge has 3600 mah. Clear winner there. I use a lot of apps, Youtube, Pokemon Go, Pimd, Social apps for the entire day while playing music and I don't really worry about charging it during the day (unless I'm on call with someone for a long time).


    Honestly, no clear winner here and it's all preference. The iPhone has better more natural colors. But Samsung takes sharper pictures. The S7 is also amazing at taking pics in low light situations. My friend very much preferred her iphone 6 to the S7 when taking pics of food and I found selfies just look more "artsy" on an iphone. But the S7's camera focus is really fast.


    This is, in my opinion, the biggest battle between the phones. Which works better? This was the reason I didn't like Samsung before. I felt the Android OS was laggy and chunky. But the S7 dispelled all fears of that. It runs much smoother and if you're a fan of customizing your interface, this is the way to go.

    With the iPhone, I liked its convenience with linking it to your other Apple devices. The iOS is clean and straightforward. No fuss. Everything is neat and orderly.

    The Android allows you to multi-task between apps but that doesn't appeal to all people. I like how it allows me to just drag and drop files though.


    I use Spotify which I'm happy with. If you like to arrange your own music and you're OCD, a friend told me she felt Apple Music was much better for that. There are music apps for Android but if you're too lazy to seek out the best one, Android isn't for you because you're going to spend a lot of time customizing it for yourself.

    But we know the controversy, the iPhone 7 has NO HEADPHONE JACK and that sucks! The wireless earphones are also really expensive.

    However, I have found that the iPhone has better speakers and I bet it sounds even better with the iphone 7's stereo speakers. The S7 kinda sound muffled and it's the thing I like least about my phone.


    32GB and 64GB (with a microSD slot) for the S7

    32GB, 128GB, 256GB for the iPhone 7

    How it Looks

    Let's be honest color doesn't really matter since you'll most likely wrap a case around your phone. So I'll move onto other aspects.

    The S7 Edge screen is beaaaautiful. I can't give a good review of the iPhone 7's screen since I haven't held one but the one flaw of the s7 is tons of fingerprints! Easy to clean but it can be a nuisance sometimes. I also enjoy pressing on an s7 screen more than an iPhone's. (I have access to a 5s and 6)

    Durability? Please just get a good case, don't be dumb and don't drop your phone.

    This doesn't cover everything I bet but hope it helps!
  7. Unless you get photos printed i don't see the point in having a great camera on your phone.
  8. I use to love iPhone but this one I'm using sucks, it constantly freezes and i have to lock and unlock so i can use it, this can happen for hours?so I'm getting a Samsung next as no one can seem to tell me what the hell is wrong with the iPhone i have.
  9. get the one thats best value for performance... there are other phone brands too