Further Explanation for the Removal of Super Pro Parties

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by cclient_libraries.remote_exception RemoteException, Aug 19, 2016.

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  1. Honestly there are some players who really worked on growing without cats to remove super pros is stupid if by that logic then why not just remove all parties and be done with the game cuz you added t8s and pros are to easy for bigger clubs to finish faster but that's just it you guys did this to make more money when in all honesty things would of evened out they did when you brought out pros
  2. I would love to see that study they made. What they measured and and the implications. I mean real implications. Not just in revenue.
  3. ^ nobody will
  4. It's great you're responding and finally addressing what we've been trying to get your attention for for so long.

    We need more RS cash gifts

    PvP promo idea? If it's a promo, maybe something like 5x the cash payout, or during the promo have the chance to win a box, which could open up a special 'BOX ONLY' "fighting" type avi (i.e. Martial arts avi, not-as-fake looking male and female wrestlers, boxers, dancers,) or you could win DN, CP, or Pimd bank money...just some thoughts.

    I think you should do a box only hunt, with unlimited openings. No top 500, 100 or 10. Everyone has a chance at all the Avis or items. But you can't win them at the end of the hunt, you can only acquire items through boxes you win from parties.


    New store items though? Maybe higher stat attack and defense items?

    OH! And please bring back the credit transfer between RS, but give a stipulation that they have to be your RS for at least a month before you can transfer credits. Some people would RS and split the high EC price. My RS and I would gift each other gifts for birthdays, and holidays and just because sometimes. You lost a lot of revenue getting rid of that too I'm sure  I've been playing 13 months and I'm 13mcs. I worked hard to get where I am so I could even hit regular pro. I was excited when SPP came out because it was a new challenge and made better money since pro and reg parties were paying out the same after T8 came out last year. We have no challenge with normal pros. That's the definition of a pro right? For PimD PROS? Pros are seasoned players. ? I'm just so disappointed and upset
  5. Popular ideas that are not profitable, but are still a good idea: ️

    Bring Back Super Pros
    Feed the Poor
    House the Homeless
    Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
    Love and Peace
    Boycott Cat Cafe
    Power to the People
    Save the Rainforests
    No more lives for Foreign Oil
    Bring back Beta Wars
  6. Ok I have a joke thread but come on ATA you guys are the biggest joke here,
  7. As annoying as it is for many people, it is understandable that ATA will not release their internal metrics (trade secrets and all that). How about telling us, your cusromers (I've played over a year on a different account), how much revenue/profit ATA made last year/quarter. That's not a secret, is it? And maybe if we can see the huge hit you have taken economically, we will finally understand.
  8. Lame 

  9. Facts have been spoken. Like seriously chill. Don't take it seriously like everyone does with everything in this game. If your too serious then wheres the fun in that.
  10. Where We Go From Here

    No where ATA y'all can never just let a good thing be can you?
  11. Stop buying ecs everyone really a greedy ATA shame on you guys
  12. The only negative impact is the fact that they're loosing money from bigger players bc supros drop more.I say everyone boycott stop buying ECs,DNs,Cats and kinis. Back in the day it wasn't easy for any of us no loopholes like the EC parties,and pimdbanks. Smaller players have it easy as hell. ATA those statements were crap lies and you know it smdh.
  13. Good job ATA
  14. ☹ greedy apes
  15. This attempt at damage control is hilarious... You guys have been struggling to come out with viable new content for awhile now, and ultimately failing. Every few weeks we get a new reskin of a basic hunt, with the exception of an innovative hunt every few months being the Couples Valentines Day Hunt, this Dormolympics hunt as well (Some being fun hits, such as the Couples hunt. Others not so much, like Dormolympics.) I can't fault you for trying to make actual explorable content, even if it has a negative response from the player base.

    Now, while I may personally believe Super Pros were still a tad lazy for new content, the player base loved it. And as developers of a game where new real new content is few and far between, removing that new content was a radically dumb decision. There was nothing blatantly broken with Soros either, if you were unsatisfied with their drops;It would have been more proper to nerf it.

    As for the spinner, yes that technically is content that people seem to enjoy. It isn't as defining as Super Pros. The Spinner keeps players mildly interested once every few hours while, once a month until they finish the hunt. Spros kept us dedicated players involved for sereval hours at a time. Now while UI changes and gifting functionality are nice, it won't really change our motivation to progess all that much.

    This was a long post, kind of a rant. I hope it was coherent enough to understand.
  16. Not necessary that every member posts his/ her views here in forum. With those few posts ata should realise how angry , annoyed is every member playing this game pimd.

    Though making changes n thinking well for new players do think from point of all those members who have been playing this game since long n have some respect for them too.

    Jobs , WARS, difficult pro parties necessarily requiring pots for lcbc players to get their hits ,
    Some variations in hunts-compared to just same pattern since last few months , ease of getting Ecs and dns from game apart from buying them with cash- credit card , increasing number of cat drops from parties are few points need to be stressed on.

    Despite of making so many threads and majority players requesting for Wars- beta wars no response from Ata for the same.

    Kindly give some respect for what members want.

    And if you are so much concerned about new members directly ug them from tier 3-6 and skip 4th n 5 th tier n reduce costs for tier 6 n 7 so even new members will easily reach the top.
  17. I absolutely agree with you, you do have to please your customers to have return business. BUT you can't please everybody, there will always be someone complaining about nonsensical things.

    The main focus is always on ATA's "greed". Their wanting to make money. Well doesn't everybody? I don't work throughout the week for nothing. And not one person in this thread can honestly say that if they owned a company or even a corporation that they wouldn't implement the methods proven to return a profit. It's how it is. It's how it will always be. Yet people complain because it's not the way they want. They don't want to spend money. But no one is forcing them to. They can take the longer way and farm for cash like the days before cat. ATA even raffles off free cats in the spinner and during hunts. Which, in a cat based game, is pretty huge for upgrading.
  18. ATA is a for profit company and this game exists so long as they remain profitable. Its in everyone's best interest that they find ways to balance the game while continuing to show week after week sequential growth in terms of revenue to receive funding and developing for this game. So if you want more and new content.. Let them experiment and test balanced and revenue generating ideas. This isn't their only game and they need to allocate their resources according to what makes business sense.

  19. my reply for this message:
    Making money from this game is understandable but concern about customer satisfied is important too. Before every is only cc and kini, I thought ata has earned profit. I am not anti cc/kini. Sometimes I join to be merc at cc or kini club. But removing sp without let many player have enough time to earn sp's items when this item super rare dropped from party, its really annoying hahaha. Ata has ever removed some parties but tbh the way to remove these parties are wiser than now. In the previous time, ata let ppl earn reward and give them enough time to earn reward/award from these parties which was gonna be removed. Sorry this is only my noob opinion lol. Btw tbh, before sp was coming, many old player become inactive. When sp was coming, we told them and they began active, club chat became active and ppl sent gift each other. But now? Hahaha Hopefully ata have other better solution so they wont be back to inactive again. Ata, please don't hate to our opinion because we post it only only because of disappointed but also because we care about this game where we met friends and where we have ever spent money here. earn profit is okie but please keep concern about customer satisfaction. Peace!!!
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