Furry Friends Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SavageKay, Jun 10, 2019.

  1. Oooh.. my sisters is a bichon poodle. No joke this dog jumps so high she’s jumped into the counter before 
  2. Same tho ?
  3. Because why not...

    SavageKay likes this.
  4. The size difference..  they’re soooo cute 
  5. They’re not your “furry friends.” They’re your pets, your property.
  6. Hmm they are your friends too
  7. You just misunderstand what a friend is.
  8. My dogs are my family, my children. No joke, and you sound like a person who shouldn’t have “pets”, why? You just called them “property”. No Thankyou NEXT 
  10. AWUH ?
  11. Cuteness overload ?

  12. When my baby had to get a grape removed from his small intestine he passed away 3 months later :'(
  13. Oh my god, I’m so so so sorry 
  14. Bump ⚡️

  16. enjoy my furry friend