Furniture pricing bs

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CIefairy, Mar 4, 2019.

  1. Uh, duh. ATA is a business. They need profit, so ofc they are going to cater to those willing to use their credit cards. Economics and business management 101.
  2. Lvl 1
  3. Pay to win asf
  4. Tbh if I liked that bed and no other person has it or is willing to sell it I’d most likely buy it especially if its an old bed that I really liked.I agree market price for furnis became shitty but I actually think having tons of furni around caused it :s
  5. You're saying that, but I sell my beds 2-3 bentos and got peeps complaining they aren't 1. ?
  6. Just. Farm. The. Morons. Who. Set. The. Market. Prices.

    Can a black woman or a Latina add the clap emoji between each word? Yall hi e it a much better than I can
  7. But the crap in my dorm though. I don't op
  8. Sometimes is not sellers fault and I will give you an example,not with furniture bit with rings from this hunt.
    I tend to underprice what I sell but sometimes I let others to give me offers,if I like them I agree.
    At the beginning of the hunt I got some rings and decided to go with 20 (i think) for 2 bentos. Now,people who were desperate for rings offered me up to 7 bentos for them. Now,if you would be in my place,would have gone with 2 bentos or would have accepted the 7 bentos?
    People tend to offer more than things are worth so prices go higher and higher. Probably that person got a lot of offers for the bed,close to 5 bentos,and decided to be more greedy and ask for 5 bentos.
  9. @Op when someone overprices something, just fu ck their mom

  10. Welcome to reality
  11. There is a furniture pricing guide around here somewhere, and it's not old, I basically put my prices about mid what it says or even hit low end and I still get told to eat it for not selling 999's for 8B or bed for anything other than 1B.

    But when I try to buy everything is op and the slightest suggestion at lowering to a reasonable price is heresy.
  12. I wouldn’t have sold my stellarama bed for 3b (ignoring the fact that it came at a base level of 3) if I knew others would charge me 6b for one ?
  13. Yes they need to be free for noobs like me? please help me I started 2 minutes ago ?
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