Furniture Preview Guide

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Onyxe, Jul 8, 2018.

  1. OMG ABOUT TIME THE MODS FRIGGEN LET YOU UPDATE THIS, GEEZ Ty for this tho  this is super helpful
  2. Onyxe tbh this is awesome.
  3. Thank you guys ?️ I’m so glad it was of use or helpful to some people!
  4. Respect  this is amazing
  5. that 499 from “40. high tea life”, does anyone know where it was obtainable from?
  6. It says it under the title for it.
  7. ^ i checked in the boxes and it wasn’t there ?
  8. It was most probably a Top 10 item, don’t quote me on that though
  9. oh lol ok tyty ?
  10. Updated with most recent furni releases ️
    Thank you Lyssa
  11. Bump bc I can never find this when I want it 