Funniest Meme's Win Prizes

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Julzz, Jul 27, 2015.

  1. 
  2. There's not a link coming up.
  3. To Tony:


    From and Made by Rude 
  4. Anyone?[/quote]
    Upload picture on photobucket. Click the uploaded picture. Click the i at the bottom left. Copy second link. Do
     [imgfit] Link Here [/imgfit] 
    There's not a link coming up.[/quote]
    Click quote and copy it?
  5. Ehh coding fail
  6. ??happens to me all the time.
  7. Guide to posting pictures there, it has pictures in it Hun.
  8. *insert winning meme here*
  9. @DoughnutHead. Use imgur and the link Meagan provided

  10. Felt like it
  11. [​IMG]

    Ily all!!

    Cracking up laughing over here!!!!!

  12. #rude 1000posts hype