From Pimd humble beginnings to the rise on top

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Quartz-, Mar 10, 2016.

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  1. Nah has now joined kaw and was trying to act all big in worldchat until i said hello nah your from pimd its quartz.he thought noone would know who he was.
  2. Matt now has gone runaround again.he just dont stay in the club hes in sfw with. He thinks if i go elsewhere ill get myself some more bodyguards against my enemys
  3. Haven't you heard, Barcode Ultimatum is just a club for Ascensions alts :)
    Silly nub nub. Why you stalking me doe?
  4. Get this in your blankhead matt you are the weirdo you got i bow down to no man to talk to me at christmas time and ask questions. You hired me and volleyed me at xmas and was my tut for days until froot hired me again at 482b. You hired me again yesterday and kept hireing me.You dont intrest me in the slightest.You are not loyal to one club you bounce around when the heat comes at you from the sfw enemy yet you talk big. And you said last night in this thread that you have been invited to visit codes. You said it.i wouldnt stalk you you actually creep me out how you keep watching me and hiring me.Thats why i was glad to get froot back as my owner.
  5. You're officially insane :lol:
    I can't even right now :lol:
    Do you need medical assistance?
    I can't tell if mentally disabled or just slow :lol:
  6. What iz dis mockery???????
  7. And on the dance thread i wrote. You came on it when you was gummybear screenname and on it you wrote choose a dance for me. Then you wrote shes my pup now to Tony kakashi cause that second youd hired kept your identity that you was pooh from me. It was a few days later when i found out you was pooh i sayd to you why didnt you tell me you was pooh. I even have screenshots of you talking about me before you hired me i was sent them. I have gifts with messages sent to me from you via friend with questions on.Dont bother acting like i lust over you because yuck thats not happening.
  8. I'm glad you're not 'lusting over me'

    I honestly think you have a learning disability :( or you're like 12
    But that's same / same

    And if you're talking about bow to no man I asked him if you were hot. ?
    Ask anyone I've ever talked to. That's the first thing I ask about someone new ? bow being the troll he is ran with it. Don't flatter yourself :lol: and I hire you for the free money since froot always hire back. You're nothing but an income and a bit of entertainment in forums occasionally :lol:

    That's you being dis-credited for everything you've said about me so far.
    Got anymore? :)

    Hope this bombshell didn't crush you too hard. :roll:
  9. wow he sounds a little confused. Now lesson 1 there's a hire button k? I'll try not go to fast so you can keep up.
    So you press hire and then the person you hire can't really do much except either Emo drop stats or cry in forums like you are
    And you can be in a sfw and visit other pplit's a shock know
  10. What a weirdo hiring me again.and im crushed get over yourself your nasty i saw you on that screenshot i think beards are disgusting hense why i call you bullygoatgruff.
  11. Actually stepping outside your clan / club when in sfw / osw makes you a war runner. Matt crys to others to speak for him when i hit him with the truth.what a wimp
  12. And im not a he. And been in 22 osws so do know the rules of sfw war. Matt is a war runner whose got itchy feet.
  13. See learning disability. S/he still hasn't realised this isn't kaw. :( poor Roni McDoni

    I feel bad they didn't catch this when you were younger. They may have been able to help you. :(
  14. so if u visit someone ur a runner? Interesting theory considering most ppl will still hit home targets even when visiting another club and 22 sfw do u want a medal? How about a ribbon that says "special"
  15. Hmm. I just play pimd as a stress reliever. I'm in no hurry to upgrade (coz it costs a lot and i'm not rich) I help out our club, chat in cc and pm's, join some wars if I'm available and that's it.?
  16. Yep been in plenty literally never been out of war in the 4 years playing kaw. So when i see a jump a round who hasnt the persistance to last the distance in one clan /club when in sfw/osw and runs around making excuses for going elsewhere i know their true colours.and i am crying on forums? You are plain dumb you dont know me at all. But its sweet matt must know my reputation so is showing his obsession early.and matt being my owner doesnt make you my instant friend so expect no getting to know me in allie chat. Ive already got Froot in my buddylist so you wasted your gold hiring me dumbo.
  17. What keeps me going at the moment is my obsession with collecting things! I may as well be a hoarder cause I love collecting items for my showcase plus upgrading will allow me to get better items
  18. See i really feel sorry for you.
    1) I'm not your pup. I made 13b from bumping you tho. Thanks for dat
    2)you blatantly don't have a clue about pimd, pls go back to kaw where you hopefully don't look so pathetic.
    3) you appear to be having delusions of grandeur, pls stop kthx
    4) Go to your doctor, you need assistance :(
  19. And you matt are one jealous creep who everytime i joke about froot or praise them you hire me.
  20. Im like that too i think the spinning items are so cute but i think all the people begging in campus to send them gifts are greedy. I dont even care if i have a full matching set of items its more fun to earn /win them in your own right threw luck of the spin than trading for them.
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