From Pimd humble beginnings to the rise on top

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Quartz-, Mar 10, 2016.

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  1. I help people to 90kcs but O.O I'm going on 5 years soon and not the best way to lcbc as it takes around 30b or so depending on how much you leave them to volley with after they upgrade it takes them about 7b to ug to 90kcs that being said I ushally give them 10-14b total so they have 3-7b to volley with and work with after upgrade but long story short I like to teach people and yea I've taken breaks it's hard not to
  2. If anyones a worthless tut its deadlyspankingangel. And if i was so worthless youd not have hired me the first time at roughly 482b only reason you gave up hiring me was i told albion i wanted to stay with my previous owner aka froot. He must have passed that message on to you.Thats why you pooh are so butthurt and now horrid to me now because im not one of those blankheads that are in awe of you.
  3. Im a worthless tut :/
  4. Azza you can be my worthless tut if you want. ?
  5. Hi doctor what started to frustrate me was i was upgradeing to what i thought were big upgrades a 10b dorm person but the stats didnt change at all. So it looked like i wasnt doing anything. So i sayd to myself this is gonner take i was only doing the spinning wheel.i have more fun doing that and collecting the chibnis.

  6. Sure thing Roni McDoni
  7. Hello Slushy-Slither
  8. ok BullyGoatGruff pooh
  9. Pooh's a bear, not a goat, silly :(
  10. I'm starting think ronald got a crush on angel
  11. We try to ignore Roni McDoni constantly bringing up Angel in hope she'll forget :(
  12. Matt you aint even funny calling me ronald mcdonald.My full name is veronica but roni for short. And yuck i aint a lesbian i only like you embarress yourself saying that.
  13. ;) That's not wot ur body says <3
  14. Dankmemes alt of chloroform sorry you dont make much sense.
  15. ? Pretty sure this is the same account as Chloroform, just a name change. Pls get it right, thx.
  16. When I started out, I had a friend in rl start with me (he convinced me to play) and it started out as competition. Basically wanted to beat the stats of everyone I knew. And I did. 

    And then, later on in my last home club, I wanted to be big enough to help the club with parties and whatever battles there are.

    As of now, I just don't wanna be left behind but the battle system is all weird now with all these bonuses and stuff.
  17. Quartz is back?Why is she back?
  18. Sup, where is your kaw buddies :(
  19. Shut up nah you gone on kaw and did a solo alt on there also in kawaholics anonyomous clan.i even said hello nah in worldchat and you said who are you when i said quartz you completly shut up.
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