Chapter five: Mission Friday morning, bright and early came too quick, the day I dreaded with how Zada would react towards her father. The clock struck nine as I stepped out of the shower, Ryan unaware I had even gotten out of bed. I got dressed pretty casual, light wash skinny jeans, a white lace peplum tank top with a black cardigan over it and grey/pink stripped slip on shoes. As for Zada I dressed her nicely in a pink dress with black polka dots, white sandals and a pink bow in her soft hair. I put her in a gray light jacket, knowing she wouldn't need it for long. I carried her on my hip to the living room to buckle her up in her car seat. I kissed her forehead softly as I fastened the last buckle. I carried her diaper bag and my purse on my right shoulder and Zada in my left hand. I buckled her in the car setting my bag and hers beside her in the neighboring seat. Just as I had gotten buckled up he messaged to tell me he was on his way, great. I sighed lightly tossing my phone into the passenger seat and driving off to meet him at the park. The wait wasn't very long, I seen his emerald green Ford pulling in, and for some reason it made me nervous. One thing I was sure of is the nervousness wasn't the same nervous when you're in the same room as your crush, this nervous is unpleasant and unwanted. I took a deep breath, getting out and unbuckling Zada, I carried her in her car seat along with her diaper bag. I also tucked my phone into my pants pocket for just in case. I continued to carry Zada in her car seat to the nearby picnic table, the park was lovely. The picnic area was covered with a roof with views of the baseball field, the swings and the baby/toddler play area. A small river below the bank was behind me along with the river walk and views of the near downtown area. Zada seemed happy, as she watched, full of smiles and giggles watching people work out and dogs playing together.